27 "Man, you're in serious shit"

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Hunter POV.

The Evans household is Hectic, My brother Declyn and his wife Sophie have came to visit, minus the two little princessess Amelia and Ava. I'm quite bummed they left them in the care of Sophies mom for the week so the couple could have a romantic getaway or whatever you want to call it.

It's not exactly Paris, is it?

"It's so good to see you both" my mother says greeting them both with a kiss to the cheek. Shes always the perfect host.

Next up is Tara, she hasn't set eyes on me in over a week but I can't say I miss her whiney voice. I'm glad to have some peace from her nagging if I'm being honest.

She hugs them both, an arm around each of them and chats animatedly to Sophie.

Declan, hugs my dad then gives me a big brother hug. I never realise how much I miss him until we see each other. It's great having him around, especially at home, where we grew up and have so many memories together.

Fucking hell, cut the sentimental bullshit Hunter.

"Good to see you Bro" Declyn says as he hugs me tight and smacks me hard on the back.


"You too." I smile as he pulls away.

"Heard you're in the dog house" He comments with a smirk and a nudge in my sisters direction.

"Like you wouldn't believe" I reply, referring to the fact i'm still unsure if Tara's plotting to kill me and bury my remains in the back yard.

"Little Emily Carter? Really Hunter?"

I blush at his teasing, the asshole always did like to embarrass me when it came to girls. "You seen her in New York" I say as an explanation. It doesn't need much more explaining really but I continue anyway. "It just kind of happened." I shrug as Sophie comes to join us.

"Good to see you Hunter." She smiles at me and ai pull her in for a hug. Ive came to think of Sophie as the sister I always wanted. She doesn't nag me, or scream and shout and she most definitely doesn't take a tantrum because I'm in a relationship with her friend.

If Tara cared about us as much as she says she does then shouldn't she be happy for us?

I love her, but sometimes she's a complete brat.

"So you and Emily Huh? Called it in NY" she says pulling away and I roll my eyes.

"No you didn't"

"Excuse me? I did. Ask Emily. We were talking about you in the kitchen. You actually have me to thank for her sleeping with you again after your one time thing" she winks at me and I blush.

Shit! How much detail did they go into?

"You knew about them?" Tara's voice says out of nowhere and I cringe. The last thing I want is more people to be in shit because of me and Emily.

"No." All three of us say at the same time, making us look incredibly guilty. Declyn starts laughing and I can't help but laugh at him.

"This isn't funny Hunter! I hope you know you've ruined my life!"

"Fuck off! Ruined your life? You can't be serious?" I instantly get my back up, she's always been one that loves drama but I think this is taking it a step too far.

My mom intervenes at this point, just as my phone starts buzzing in my jeans pocket. I pull it out, trying my hardest to block out Taras wailing in the background. Instantly I smile, Emily is calling.

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