11 "In that case then, you're welcome"

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"We survived our first fight" Hunter says as he wraps his strong toned arm around my waist.

We're lying in my bed, completely naked, our sweaty bodies tangled together. His hair is flat instead of its usual spikey style and it looks good on him.

How the fuck did I get so lucky that Hunter Evans wants me?

Luckily my parents chose tonight to celebrate their wedding anniversary and they're not due back for another couple of hours at least. As soon as I received Hunters text, the knot in my stomach subsided and I invited him over.

"We did." I reply, it doesn't even occur to me how much of a 'realationship thing' that is. "I'm glad you came to your senses and apologised"

"I didn't apologise"

"Three orgasms in an hour is definitely an apology" I tell him before kissing his lips gently. He smiles into the kiss, rolling over so he's partly on top of me.

"In that case then, you're welcome" Hunter says when he pulls away. "Mind if I go for a cigarette?"

"Balcony" I say pointing him to the double door in my bedroom. It's not so much a balcony, more so a step, its tiny but it's a god send in the summer, when the weather gets hot and stuffy. "You shouldn't smoke, you know?"

Hunter laughs as he untangles himself from me. He doesn't seem to be bothered about walking around naked, something I'm envious of. I would never have the confidence to do that infront of someone.

"Don't you start. I'm fucking twenty three and my dad is still on my back about it." He tells me and I smile. hunter pulls open the balcony doors and stands there for a second, presumably letting the cold air cool his burning flesh. "Besides I'm sure you've done things that were hazardous to your health before. Don't lecture me."

"The only thing hazardous to my health is you."  I joke and he has the audacity to look offended.

"Me? What did I do?" He asked completely forgetting about his cigarette and jumping back on the bed. "I'm a delight to be around"

"Sometimes" I correct him. "Earlier, at the school, not so much"

He kisses me then, full blown kiss with tongues and hands wandering. He can knock me completely off guard in 0.3 seconds flat but its good. Butterflies pool in my stomach, swirling around and around until he pulls away. "You were saying?"

"Nothing" I grin pulling his head back down for another slow and languid kiss.

Hunter pulls away first- a little too early for my liking- "you're so beautiful Emily" He says, his voice thick with some unknown emotion. His fingers brush across the skin of my cheek, removing a tendril of hair behind my ear.

It's such an intimate moment, a moment unlike we've ever shared before. It's soft, gentle and dare I say romantic? It's so unlike... Us.

"Not so bad yourself" I respond in an attempt to ease the tension that's suddenly suffocating us.

Hunter seems to realise his slip up and coughs awkwardly before rising from the bed again. I know he's trying to put as much space between us as possible.

This time, when he gets up he slips on his black boxer briefs, they cling to his toned thighs perfectly and show off his incredible ass.

He rakes through his jeans pocket and finds his cigarettes, pulling one from the box he makes his way to the balcony doors.

Lighting it up, he takes a big drag. "So you're hoping to go to NYU for college?"

"Fingers crossed" I nod pulling the black cotton sheets around my little frame. "I doubt I could afford any of the others I've applied to so hopefully I get in"

"I have a couple of friends that go to NYU." he says "One of their dads is head of admissions or some other shit, I could talk you up a bit if you want? Give them a nudge in the right direction."

"You would do that?" To be honest I don't really want to get in based on the people I know, having said that, I do want to get in. So, I'm willing to try anything and if Hunter talking to some guy about me helps my cause then so be it.

"Sure" He shrugs as if it's nothing. He's a lot sweeter than he likes people to believe.

I smile gratefully at him, "thank you"

He flicks his cigarette out of the door onto the ground below and closes the doors, locking them securely and drawing the curtains.

"Why New York?" He suddenly asks taking me off guard.

I sit up, making sure the bed sheets are still covering me, I run a hand through my messy hair, it's an uncomfortable subject and I don't really want to talk about it so I give a simple reply.

"I just don't want to be too far from home."

Hunter shrugs accepting my answer as he starfishes on the bed beside me. He rests his head upon my lap, again another weird thing to do, and I run my hand through his dark hair. I can't help it. He's like a magnet to me, pulling me in.

I can smell the smoke radiating off him, mixed together with something which I'm assuming is watermelon scented body wash. It smells quite nice.

"Why did you really take the teaching job at the school? It couldn't just be so you could see more of my fabulous self?" I joke and Hunter chuckles. He's got a great smile.

"In your dreams squirt" He responds using the nickname he had given me as a kid, now though, according to him, it had a whole new meaning. I slap his chest playfully and he grins up at me. "I needed a job. Its that simple really, besides, like I said before, I'm a fucking kick ass player" he boasts and I find myself rolling my eyes.

"Modest too" I say sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm just telling the truth" he holds his hands up, laughing.

"Do you even realise how much more complicated you've made this by taking that position at the school" I sigh. It would all be so much easier if he was just my best friends brother, but now he's a teacher and that's weird.

Hunter sits up then, looking me directly in the eye. "Do you want to end this?"

"No" I say almost a little too quickly and then mentally berate myself for sounding like an obsessed little girl.

Hunter smiles at me, his right hand coming up to touch my cheek. "Then stop worrying. If and when anyone finds out about us, I'll deal with it okay?"

His words are so determined, so final. I know that I can trust him so I nod slowly with a little smile. "Okay" I agree.

Hunter moves in, pressing his lips lightly against mine.

My bedroom door bursts open and we both jump apart, Hunter looks mortified, I'm completely humiliated, clinging the bed sheets to my bare chest and my mom looks like she's about to murder someone.

Fuck my life!

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