23 "We're not having sex in this car, Hunter."

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Hunters P.O.V

The drive back home is surprisingly peaceful. For once in my life, no words are needed for how I feel. I don't even think there's a word to describe it.

If I had to pick one it would be euphoric but even that doesn't live up to how truly happy I am right now.

I keep reaching over, fondling Emilys hand every now and again and she smiles that beautiful smile that I love seeing so much.

Shes wearing the bracelet I bought her for her birthday and I wonder briefly if she genuinely likes it or if she wears it because it's a gift from me.

I'm aware of how cocky and self assured I sound but Emily gives me this confidence I didn't realise I had.

I know we're going back to reality, and the thought is daunting but I know we'll survive whatever comes our way.

Because by some miracle, this woman loves me.

"You look happy" Emily comments and I realise i'm grinning like the cheshire cat, eat to ear my mouth has taken over my full face.

"I am." I reply. I don't think I've ever been in love with someone before. I've had plenty one night stands but Candice is the closest I've ever come to something real, and that doesn't even compare to what Emily and I have.

It sounds corny as hell but it feels like i'm floating on air. I have no worries or concerns, not about Tara or work, or even the gossip that'll spread through the town like wild fire when everyone finds out about us. I don't care about any of it.

"Me too" Emily bites her lip, a nervous action I've come to notice about her.

I understand her nerves. She has a lot on her mind, and whatever it was that had her so worked up when she came to the house earlier is obviously still a big part of that.

I don't want to push her into talking but I also want her to know i'm here if and when she needs me.

"Earlier" I start as I glance sideways at her. "When you came looking for Tara, something was upsetting you."

"It's not important" She shuts the conversation down instantly and I feel terrible for bringing it up.

"Well, I'm here for you, if you want to talk." I say plainly. I will listen to this woman until the end of time if it means she'll continue to love me.

She smiles, it's small but noticeable. Emily reaches over and laces her fingers through mine. "Thank you"

"No probs" I wink at her and a small giggle escapes her. I want to change the subject so bad so I remind her of our first night together, the night of Taras party. "So, truth or dare?" I challenge her and she rolls her eyes. I know she's not going to pick dare, but that's exactly what I want.

"Truth" she says playing along.

"Truthfully, were you snooping in my room that first night we spent together?"

"What? No!" she looks a little embarrassed and I have a feeling she probably would have if I hadn't of shown up when I did. "I told you. I just needed some space. Tony was there-"

"Tony the ex that left you for someone else?" I interrupt her.

"The one and only"

"Well, isn't he as dense as two short planks, what is it they say? One mans trash is another mans treasure."

"I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment" she laughs and I realise how bad my words could be taken.

"It's a compliment Em, I'm just saying, his loss is my gain" She smiles then and I realise I'm off the hook.

We're not far from home now, another ten minutes maybe, and I can feel the nerves beginning to intensify in the pit of my stomach.

This is reality, up until now, Emily and I have been living in our own little bubble. We haven't had to defend our relationship to anyone, besides Emilys mom but she was quite indifferent when it came down to it.

Some people, namely my lovely little sister is going to be dead set against us and the thought I could lose Emily again terrifies me.

"It was incredible" Emily comments bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What was?" I ask.

"Our first night together" She responds with a small blush.

"It's always incredible with you. From that first time at my sisters party I couldn't understand what it was about you that made it so... Different" That's always confused me.

I don't want a relationship Emily, just your body.

I let out a small laugh as I remember saying those words to her the night I went to her house to return her phone.

"What's so funny?" Emily asks and I turn my head in her direction.

"Nothing. It's just funny how some things turn out." I respond not giving anything away.

"You can say that again" Emily laughs "Never in a million years did I ever expect to end up in a fuck buddies situation with you, let alone this"

"This?" I repeat as I look at her. "You mean the fact that I love you"

She smiles again making me melt into a puddle at her feet. "It's so hot when you say that"

"Is it?" I say with a little grin, I slow the car down and pull over on the side of the road.

I lean toward her and kiss her gently on the cheek. "I love you" I say again. I kiss her again, this time on her jaw line.

A small breathy moan escapes past her lips and her head drops back, granting me further access to her neck. "I love you" I tell her once more before kissing her neck.

"We're not having sex in this car, Hunter" she's trying to sound strong and confident and I smirk.

"Are you sure about that?" I say still kissing her sweet skin. She smells like strawberries and it's making her even more tempting. My hand travels to her leg and inches it's way upwards.

Emily grins as I continue to caress her leg and leave wet, hot kisses over her collar bone.

After a few seconds, her legs part slightly and I smile against her neck. My fingers slip past the denim fabric of her shorts and rub gently over her sex.

She's already so wet and ready and its a huge turn on.

She let's out a soft moan, it's a beautiful sound, my cock stiffens beneath my trousers, making it uncomfortably painful. Fuck, the things this woman does to me.

"You know all you have to do is tell me to stop" I say. Somehow, I think she's too far gone to tell me to stop now but I'm just reminding her that she's in charge here.

I kiss her feverantly, my fingers stroking rapidly over the thin and sheer lace of her panties.

"Hunter," she pants. She's so fucking sexy, rotating her hips and writhing against my hand.

"Tell me to stop, Em." I grunt as I continue to work her with my fingers.

Her legs spread further apart and I smile, "Don't stop" She tells me.

It's amazing how fast things can change.

I'm ashamed to admit, it wasn't until Emily avoided me for a whole month, that I realised how much I missed her. I missed her witty comments and the way she smiles at me. I missed her random ramblings and the way she made every worry in my life feel completely insignificant. I missed her because I was completely, one hundred percent in love with her.

"You're so fucking beautiful." I tell her because I want her to know just how stunning she is, every minute of every day.

Emily let's out a small gasp spurring me to move my fingers faster and I know, without a doubt, by the sweet little sounds passing her lips and the amazing way her body is pressing up against mine, that in actual fact, we will be having sex in this car.

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