8 "New york, New york part 2"

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Emily has barely spoken five words to me the whole day and it's really starting to fuck me off.

I've obviously done something to piss her off, but for the life of me I can't figure out what. I've never felt like this before, like I need to make it up to her somehow.

Figuring out what's annoyed her is probably a good place to start.

She's dress shopping with the girls right now but before she left I tried to get her alone to talk to her but she basically walked out without even a second glance in my direction.

Declyn, Nick and I have spent the last three hours playing Xbox and day drinking, but I can't get my mind off of that infuriating woman my sister calls her best friend.

Even my brother noticed her coldness toward me but I just shrugged it off, I didn't really want to talk about it, even if I did, it wouldn't be with him, he's the biggest gossip going.

Our secret wouldn't be so much a secret anymore.

Last night had need phenomenal. I had pinned her arms above her head while she writhed underneath me, her teeth biting her bottom lip to hold her screams. She had straddled me, gripping my shoulders, her perfect body bouncing up and down on top of me. We had kissed, fondled, tickled, and touched every inch of each others bodies over and over again until the sun came up and we eventually passed out.

And now, she's acting like I'm a fucking stranger to her.

I hear Sophies voice and the anticipation tingles in my stomach. I'm excited to see Emily but also really really looking forward to getting an explanation from her. Something has obviously happened and I want to know what.

The girls come into view, arms weighed down with shopping bags, Amelia has chocolate sauce smeared all over her face which makes me laugh the instant I see her.

"Why are you laughing, uncle Hunter?" she asks in that adorable, high pitched voice of hers. She's looking at me with her beautiful big eyes as she sits on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. "Did daddy trump again? He's really smelly sometimes. On Monday, he trumped really loud and he was really smelly so my mommy made him stand outside in the rain"

"True story" Declyn chimes in.

"No daddy didn't trump." I say, my laughter subsiding. "I'm laughing because you have a teeny little bit of chocolate sauce on your face."

"I'm saving it for later" Amelia declares proudly before jumping off of me and onto the floor where Ava is pulling every single item from the shopping bags. "Do you wanna see what Tara and Emily bought? They look like princesses."

"I bet they do." I say, my eyes eventually landing on Emily "I'm sure I'll see them later though." She's wearing simple jeans and duffle coat with black boots but her hair is up in a pony, its rare she has her hair up, I like it.

"I still need shoes" Tara pouts. She literally has thousands of pairs of shoes, and I tell her that. "But none that will match with my new dress" she answers. "Speaking of, where's Nick? I bought him a matching tie." she says with so much enthusiasm I wonder where she gets the energy from.

Tara scoots off in search of the annoying asshole and Declyn busies himself with the two rugrats, so I take the opportunity to get pull Emily aside. It takes a few minutes because she seems to want to avoid me like the plaque but when she goes to take her bags up to the spare bedroom, I follow her.

I feel like a creepy stalker but fuck it. If Em thinks she can escape that fast she's got another thing coming.

"Whats wrong with you?" I say lightly holding her arm so she stops in place in the middle of the staircase.

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