Bonus Chapter - Candice visits.

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"Hi, you must be Tara, I'm Candice. Hunter's girlfriend."

The second the words leave her mouth, my whole stomach drops. I look at Emily and she looks so... disgusted. She's clearly surprised and in shock by what she's just heard, made evident by the fact she just stares between me and Candice for a few seconds before clearing her throat. 

"Um, No. I'm Emily." Her voice comes out barely above a whisper and I can hear the confusion and pain in her voice. It makes me want to wrap her in my arms and never let her go.

Candice is standing there, a few duffle bags resting at her feet, watching intently everything that's happening. I could strangle her right now. I know she didn't mean to cause trouble but she may have inadvertently just scared Emily away for good.

"Emily" I say but she shakes her head, not even looking at me. 

"I have to go" She comments rushing away. I watch Emily leave, I probably should have chased after her but I can't leave Candice standing in the driveway like a statue.

I let out a heavy breath and turn toward Candice who to be quite frank looks like that cat that got the canary. She's smiling at me ear to ear. "What are you doing here, Candice?"

"I came to see you."

I run a hand through my hair. "Do you realise-"

"Whatever that was, I'm sorry." She gestures in the general direction of where Emily ran off to.

"You're sorry?" I repeat moving toward her. "You just told the girl I'm dating that you're my girlfriend." I say between gritted teeth. I can feel my anger bubbling but hold it back.

"Dating?" Candice raises an eyebrow. "Since when do you date?"

Did I say dating? I don't know why I said that. We've never been out together or anything of the sort. It's just casual, friendly sex. "I didn't mean that, why did you introduce yourself as my girlfriend?" I question. Despite Emily hating me right now, I have to admit it's good to see Candice. It's been a while since we had a chance to catch up.

"What else was I supposed to say, Hunter?" She looks at me expectantly and I have to agree. 

Hi, I'm Candice, Hunter's old fuck buddy and relatively new bestie.

She did think she was talking to my sister after all.

"Just forget it," I respond bending to collect her bags from the floor. "Come on" I nod in the direction of the house and she smiles at me, it's apologetic and friendly and It instantly makes me feel terrible for snapping at her.

I lead her into the house. I know Emily will either be locked in Tara's room or will have gone home by now, so I'm grateful there won't be anymore awkward encounters.

"Nice house" Candice whistles as we enter into the kitchen. It is a bit ostentatious to other people, especially when I know Candice didn't have the best upbringing.

"Thanks," I say rounding the corner and pulling my phone from my pants pocket at the same time. I know Emily won't answer but I have to try. 

I direct Candice up the stairs and into the spare bedroom, within seconds she's made herself comfortable on the bed, shoes kicked off and hands resting behind her head. Despite everything that happened tonight, I manage a smile as I place her bags down on the floor.

I hold the phone up to my ear and it rings twice before going to voicemail. I sigh and try again but this time it doesn't even ring.

"Are you going to tell me what's so special about this girl?"

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