15 "Maybe Prom"

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I haven't spoken to Hunter in 2 days. It's been unbelievably hard to avoid him considering I've spent most of my weekend at Taras house comforting her.

Thankfully, luck was on my side and everytime I was there, Hunter seemed to be out. Probably with his fucking stunning, stick thin and perfect girlfriend.

Just the thought makes my skin crawl.

I've had a few texts and calls but I either just ignore them, send them to voicemail or delete them. I can't be bothered to hear anymore lies.

Crazy thing is, I was actually starting to believe he really did care about me. And not just in a no strings attached kind of way.

I was stupidly beginning to like him. Like really like him.

I'm just glad I found out before anything got to serious or I made the mistake of falling for him.

Tara's been doing okay, but today, we both have to face our problems head on. Today's Monday, which means school.

I asked her if she wanted to skip, but she was adamant she wasn't going to let Nick Sawyer ruin her, and good on her. I envy her bravery and tanacity. She's fierce.

An extra layer of foundation and a little more blush than usual and she's ready to go. We jump in her car, and I squeeze her hand, showing her I'm here, I'm with her the entire time. She squeezes back with an appreciative smile.

When we arrive at school everything seems normal. I dont know why it should feel different but surely it should. Tara is about to come face to face with her ex boyfriend who tried to rape her and also back handed her, and I'm about to come face to face with the lying, cheating asshole that is the football coach.

We walk into school hand in hand, a forced smile from both of us. We would usually split and go our own ways to our lockers but there's no chance in hell I'm leaving her by herself unless absolutely necessary.

It isn't long before people start to greet her in the coridoor, she is the popular girl after all. A few girls say hi and she gets a couple of flirtatious winks from some guys and she accepts them all with a smile.

She's so fucking strong, I don't know how shes even holding it together, let alone found the courage to come to school and face everyone and especially him.

I pray to God that Hunter doesn't run into him first because I don't think he would be able to control himself and that wouldn't end well for anyone.

Luckily, Taras first class is the same as mine and after we've collected her books from her locker, we make our way to mine.

When we round the corridor, I'm surprised to see Devon leaning up against the wall, right by my locker. He greets us with that gorgeous smile of his.

"Hi" He pushes away from the wall and straightens up. "Hope you're feeling better" he says to me and I nod with a small smile of my own.

"I am, thank you"

Tara had told me the story about Friday night and according to her, the only reason Nick didn't get to finish what he started was because Devon had stepped in and saved her by punching the bastard.

"I kind of figured you two wouldn't be far from each other today so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and see how you both are"

I always liked Devon, he's always seemed nice, though we've barely spoken until about a month ago. But now he's standing in front of me like some other worldly hero, only without the cape.

But that's exactly what he is. He saved Tara on Friday night and now here he is checking up on her.

"You okay?" he asks her tentatively scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He obviously doesn't want to bring up the situation here of all places but it's nice to see him care enough to ask.

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