1 "Are you seducible?

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On taking a peek inside the large but comfortably sized room, I notice it's empty. I thank the heavens above that I finally found somewhere to hide out that didn't also contain a couple or on some occasions, more than a couple of people having sex.

Truth is, I just can't be bothered. With anything.

While I should be downstairs enjoying the party with my schoolmates and celebrating the fact that my best friend in the world just turned eighteen, all I want to do is hide out and have some peace.

The last couple of days have been- to put it bluntly- completely shit.
While Tara has been excitedly planning her party, I've been moping, as per usual.

To be honest, I've always had quite a perfect life. I hate saying that because it makes me sound like a stuck-up snob but in terms of school and family life, I'm pretty happy.

Just the past couple of days I've felt off about something, or to be more specific, someone.

My ex boyfriend Tony. Who also happens to be at the party, making out with some other girl two days after he broke up with me in front of pretty much the whole school.

The fact that I despise parties might have something to do with it too. Call me crazy but whatever.

I really did try to be happy for Tara but she knew I had been off for a few days, so she gave me a best friend pass to moan and groan as much as I wanted. As long as I helped with the party planning while doing it of course.

She has been my best friend for years. As long as I can remember actually, and I love her like a sister.

Which only makes me feel worse about the fact that I ditched her birthday celebrations to sulk.

I look around and take in the room. It's dark and dingy, most of the dark blue walls are covered in posters of rock bands or computer games. The bed is unmade but surprisingly, it smells of Christmas.

Sweet cinnamon and vanilla.

In all my years of sleepovers at Taras, I have never once seen this room.

A bulb of recognition ignites in my brain and I think back, Taras brothers would tease us mercilessly until we snapped and eventually retaliated, and of course, we would get the blame and a good telling off from one of her parents. Her mom's scoldings weren't half bad, it was her dad that terrified me. He was a military man who oozed authority so when he barked an order you had no other choice but to obey.

I had been in Declyn's room a few times, he's the oldest of the siblings and quite often the least mature.

"What are you doing in here?" A male voice startles me and I jump, turning toward the doorway.

Hunter stands there, a look of pure amusement written on his face.

I cast my eyes downward when I notice he's only wearing a towel around his waist, his chiselled torso sparkling with droplets of water.

"Well if it isn't little Emily Carter." He smirks at me as he moves further into the room. His room. "Shit, I haven't seen you for almost five years."

Has it really been that long?

I don't answer because honestly, I don't have a fucking clue what to say but I keep my eyes glued firmly on the grey speckled carpet.

"Whats wrong? Cat got your tongue?" he asks and I scowl. "I remember you being a lot louder. You've grown up"

I've never been overly confident, I tend to hide in the background while Tara is the one who loves the spot light.

I don't even know why she's friends with me to be fair. She's head cheerleader and president of almost every committee in school while I enjoy band practice and helping with the school newspaper and yearbook.

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