29 "You're Hilarious, you ass."

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The first part of our date night was incredible. I had managed to squeeze my ass into a pair of Candice's tight but unbelievably comfy designer jeans and a nice pink floaty vest top. The whole outfit probably cost more than my entire wardrobe and I felt good. I decided to wear the shoes I already had on, which was my converse sneakers and leave my hair straight to hang down my back.

Candice was really lovely and helped me choose a shade of lip gloss that went perfectly with my skin tone.

At first I was a bit weary of Candice joining us for our date, I mean, even the idea is massively fucked up, but when Hunter compromised and told her she could come to a party we had been invited to, she was grateful for the extra time to get ready.

We left her in Hunters apartment to get herself dressed and Hunter and I went to a restaurant. It wasn't overly fancy or expensive but it was quaint and romantic and the whole time I felt like a princess.

On the car ride back to Hunters place, we got talking about Tara and how she had basically told Hunter he had stole me away... Or something along those lines. It makes me feel even worse than I already do but even the fact she's talking to him is a step in the right direction.

"She's coming around" He says with a glance my way, he moves his hand onto my thigh and rubs gentle circles with his thumb.

"After a week and a half? I doubt it." I reply. "I'm glad she's talking to you now at least."

Tara has always been a stubborn ass. I remember when we were ten and we had a fight over a Barbie doll of all things, she took it and buried it in the middle of her back yard somewhere and to this day, she's never told me where.

I didn't get it at the time, because it was her Barbie but thinking back now, I realise she was cutting off her nose to spite her face.

If she couldn't have it all to herself then nobody could have it.

"What are you going to do about your mom?" Hunter asks. I had told him about our fight at the restaurant and how she's putting my dad into a hospice. I really dont want to go home and face her, but then again, she's probably not even there.

"I dont know" I shrug. "I know I dont want to see her right now."

"Maybe you should come stay with me for a few days?" Hunter suggests and I laugh because that's the most absurd thing I've heard in my life. "Why are you laughing?" He asks with a grin.

"Yeah, sure. I'll come and live with you and your ex fuck buddy because that's not strange at all!" I reply, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"Candice isn't living with me" Hunter responds and I frown. "Why would you think that?"

I guess I just assumed.

I shrug. "I dont know, maybe because all of her bags were there. Does she even know anyone else in this tiny little town?"

Its Hunters turn to shrug now. "Don't know. She just told me she was staying with a friend. Her luggage was there because she came straight from the airport. Apparently Facebook stalking is still a thing because that's how she found out where I live."

The girls smart, I'll give her that.

For a few seconds, neither one of us say anything but then Hunter bursts into laughter. "I can't believe you thought I would let her stay in my apartment"

Well, where else was I expecting her to go?

"Shut up!" I slap his arm gently and he squeezes my leg making me flinch. I fucking hate that! "Don't do that!"

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