3 "Worried you wont be able to keep your hands to yourself?"

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I'm starting at him. I know I am but I just can't stop. Hunter bites into his chicken sub and licks his delectable lips, an action I was almost certain he does on purpose, which brought back memories of his lips roaming over my skin as I lay on his bed.

Since that night, I have randomly been getting flash back images of Hunters toned and tanned body laying on mine, working my core with his hands and my nipples with his tongue.

It's becoming more frequent and I'm beginning to regret agreeing to our one time hookup.

The man is a god. There's no other explanation for it.

He had made me feel things I had never felt before. He was incredibly talented with his hands, his tongue and his di-

"Are you even listening to me?" I'm brought out of my sexy day dream by Tara who's eyes are narrowed at me. "What do you think?"

I literally haven't heard a word of what she said so I just nod hoping that she won't confront me about my laziness when it comes to the assignment we were supposed to be working on.

"You weren't even listening, were you?"

"Yes I was." I protest and she huffs in annoyance.

"So you think I should wear a pink afro wig and green flared cords to the winter formal?" she snaps. Oh shit, maybe I should try to pay more attention. "yeah of course you were listening." she rolls her eyes at me.

I sigh heavily. "Sorry, Tara. I checked out for a second there." I admit turning my body to face her, showing her I am giving her my full attention.

"Leave her alone" Hunter spoke up "Her mind is obviously a little preoccupied, I'd love to be privy to what has her so worked up though, I swear I saw a little drool."

I narrow my eyes at him and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, even though I know there definitely was no drool.

Hunter winks at me and I turn my head away from him, glad that Tara is oblivious to what happened between us two weeks earlier.


"What were you saying Tara?"

Tara gets straight into giving me a run through of the assignment, apparently I have been nominated to present our project to the class which I'm not at all happy about but I don't protest. She then goes on to tell me she has planned a shopping trip to new york for the weekend after next to look for dresses for the winter formal.

The tiny town in the west of Connecticut we live in doesn't have that many stores we can go to. With a population of just over two and a half thousand, there was no need for expensive dress shops and designer outlets.

Anything short of spectacular definitely won't be good enough for my best friend, and of course anything Tara wanted, daddy bought her. So a random trip to New york was nothing out of the usual.

"I can't wait" I say with as much enthusiasm as possible. I was happy, honestly. But the thought of spending entirely too much money on a dress only for it to be worn once and thrown in the back of the closet scares me shitless. Unlike Taras family, my family don't have a lot.

We're financially secure but no way in hell could I afford to spend hundreds of dollars on a dress.

"Me too. We can visit Declyn while we're there and Sophie and the girls can help us find the perfect outfit." Tara squeals excitedly as she speaks about her eldest brother and his wife and children.

"Maybe I'll come too" Hunter chimes in as he shoves the remainder of his sandwich into his mouth.

I turn and glare at him but he just smirks that fucking annoying snirk of his. "Thats a great idea Hunter" Tara says getting more worked up by the second.

It's a terrible idea!

My mind screams at the thought. I might like the guy and sure he's fun to be around but that doesn't mean I want to spend more time with him than absolutely necessary.

"I'll go call Dec and see if there's enough space for all of us to crash. If not, we'll get a hotel room." Tara chirps jumping from the stool at the kitchen Island and leaving the room in search of her cell.

Suddenly, there was a shift in the air and I realise it's the first time I have been alone with Hunter since our... Encounter.

I call it that for lack of a better word.

I've been struggling to convince myself that it actually happened, let alone the fact that Hunter had initiated it.

He's Hunter Evans for christ sake!

Hunter fucking Evans! My best friends brother!

I'm ashamed by how much of a shitty friend I am but I still can't bring myself to wish that it had never happened. It was mind-blowing.

"Looking a little nervous there Em" Hunter quips into my ear and I'm startled by just how close he is. Despite my lack of experience, I have never felt anxious or nervous around guys. I usually get on better with guys than I do girls.

Girls intimidate me.

I clear my throat and take a deep breath. "Not Nervous, just a little shocked by how much of an idiot you are. Do you ready think it's a good idea to come to New York with us?"

"Worried you won't be able to keep your hands to yourself?" he smirks, moving away from me and to the opposite end of the island so he is standing opposite me.

He looks so good all in black.

I could tare his clothes off him right here and now and have him bend me over the kitchen Island.


I scoff despite the fact my mind went somewhere I don't ever want it to go again.

Hunter saves me from having to answer "Is it that much of a crime that I want to see my brother?" I doubt that's the real reason he wants to take the trip but don't say anything.

I rolled my eyes as Tara returns telling us Declyn does have space for the three of us and that he's excited to see us all.

"You ready to get out of here?" she asks after a while.

I nod my head with a smile as I get up from the stool I'm sitting on.

"Where are you going?" Hunter asks his sister as he ruffles her hair and she punches him in the chest. It barely affects him.

"A party. Not that it's any of your business." she pouts "Leannes brother just got back from college and he's throwing a party to celebrate the fact he's failing"

"Wait a minute." I laugh. "That's the reason he's having the party? That's stupid"

"Does he really need a reason? It's free alcohol and college guys we're talking about." she tells me with an expression that reads 'duh'.

I shrug not really bothered either way and am just about to leave when Hunter stops us placing an arm in front of Tara, blocking her path.

"Are you talking about Chris Ramsey?" Tara nods in confirmation and he grins widely. "Well, what do you know? Ive been invited too."

My heart sinks at the thought. We all know what happened the last time Hunter and I were at a party together. Not that I would ever deny a repeat performance but I can see this ending terribly, and that's something I want to avoid at all costs.

"Aren't you a little old to be partying with high school kids?" Tara snaps obviously cringing at the idea her brother will be there. It's like having a fucking chaperone!

"I'm 23 not fucking 50" he says deadpan. "See you tonight ladies" he adds removing his arm and letting us past.

I'm seriously fucked if he turns up to that party!

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