30 "Get rid of him, now."

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I've never really been that shy, but when it comes to a point where a hundred different pairs of eyes are stating at me, I can't help but shrink away.

I want the ground to swallow me up and even though I have Hunters hand entwined with mine, it still doesn't make me feel any better.

I scan the room where every single person is either staring, whispering to each other or obviously trying too hard to seem like they haven't even noticed we've entered the room.

Candice nudges my side gently drawing my attention from everyone else on to her. "You got this" She tells me when my eyes land on her. "I'm going to get a drink. Fuck them all, " She smiles at me before disappearing.

Hunter pulls me further into the room, a few people say hi, but mostly people just avoid eye contact at all costs, not knowing how to react to my new relationship with a teacher that has at one point or another, taught quite a few of the students here tonight.

I'm thankful when Devon approaches us, he seems buzzed but happy. "Hey Em. Hunter" He nods in Hunters direction and I assume he's trying to be polite but he's struggling with this fresh news.

"Hey Devon, everything okay?" I ask, trying to make casual talk in an attempt to block out everyone else and act like im not totally freaking out.

"Absolutely." He responds. Hunter leaves go of my hand and progressively places his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. "Tara told me about... Erm... This." He says and I have to chuckle at how uncomfortable he seems. I've never seen Devon like this, its really quite amusing. "You seem happy."

"I am" I respond without a beat. I just wish Tara would talk to me about it."

"Tara will get over it. She misses you." He informs me which makes my lips curl up into a small smile.

Did she actually tell him that? I hope so. I just want my best friend back.

"Anyway, enjoy yourselves. Alcohol is in the kitchen" Devon says as he pats Hunter on the arm in a friendly manner before walking away.

I dont see Tara as I look around but she tends to stay outside in the back yard during parties, something about sweating her face off or something else to do with her make up.

"Do you want to get a drink?" Hunter asks me, speaking loudly so I can here him over the loud Lady Gaga song that's playing.

I nod and pull him toward what I assume is the kitchen. On our way there, a random pissed up guy bumps into us and accidently shoves me with his shoulder and I go stumbling into a couple that's making out.

Talk about awkward.

"Watch where you're going dickhead!" I hear Hunter yell as he shoves the guy back.

When I've straightened myself up and rearranged myself, Hunter wraps his arm around me again.

"Emily! hey!" I hear a high pitched greeting and I turn looking at the couple that I just almost knocked over. "Hi Hunter." Katie says as her girlfriend Laura wraps both her arms around her from behind.

I guess they're back on again.

"Hey Katie." Both Hunter and I say at the same time. "Good to see you again Laura." I smile in the girls direction and she smiles back.

"So, apparently I have you to thank for my girl coming back to me?" Laura says and I frown, unable to get how i'm the one responsible for their current happiness.

"Me?" I say incredulously. "What did I do?"

"Our talk the other day really helped me. Thank you." Katie says referring to our Disney movies and pizza mate date.

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