17 "It's just not the right time"

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Please, somebody shoot me. Tara has been prattling on about my birthday party for the last hour, making arrangements for the cake, decorations, kegs, the essentials.

I don't even want a party.

Not only do I hate parties but I just don't feel like celebrating. To be honest, I don't feel like doing much of anything these days.

It's been three days since I walked out on Hunter and his heartfelt admission.

I've passed him a couple of times at school but managed to avoid him for the most part.

And I feel completely empty.

"So, it starts at nine so I was thinking we should make our grand entrance at about nine thirty?"

Grand entrance, what?


"You're the guest of honor Em, you have to be fashionably late." Tara says threading her arm through mine as we walk to our next class.

I fucking despise being the centre of attention, as if a party isn't bad enough, under the guidance of my bestie, I have to arrive thirty minutes late, even though in reality, I'll be upstairs in her bedroom getting dressed.

"I didn't even want a party Tara." I huff like a little kid with a stomp of my foot.

Tara just laughs at me. "It'll be great Emily, I promise. Just stop bitchin' would you? Leave everything to me, I swear you'll have fun"

I remember the last time she said that, about her own birthday party.

I ended up in bed with Hunter.

As we round the corner, Nick comes into view and I feel Tara stiffen beside me. I attempt to pull her in the opposite direction but she stays in place, a determined look crossing her face.

"Tara" Nick yells when he spots us. "Can I talk to you?"

"Ignore him" I say pulling her down the corridor. It's packed with students bustling to get to their next class.

"Tara, for fuck sake!" He continues as we ignore him. "Please, just talk to me babe"

I stop in my tracks and turn toward him. Who in the actual fuck does he think he is?

I leave go of Tara and proceed toward him, Tara still has her back toward us, obviously she doesn't even want to look at him.

"Emily, talk some sense into her would you?"

I scoff at his request. Is he fucking deluded? "Listen you little fucking prick." I lift a finger and point at him. I may be small but when someone fucks with my friends I can be a force to be reckoned with.

I doubt it'll have any effect on him but I lay the cards on the table anyway.

"Don't you dare call her babe! Okay? You're a despicable excuse of a human who by the way has a head entirely too big for his body."


"You don't get to talk right now" I interrupt him, he's an arrogant jerk that needs put in his place. Poor Tara looks terrified of him, and since the 'event' she's lost the sparkle from her eyes.

She puts on a brave face and pretends to be okay but I know her well enough to know how false it all is.

"God only knows why you're not rotting in a jail cell for what you did to her, but I swear to you, karma's a bitch and you will get what you deserve. One way or another."

"Don't fucking threaten me!" He roars and I take a step back slightly surprised he would do this at school of all places but as I glance around I notice only a couple of estranged students are still here. He descends toward me, small but threatening steps. "That's right little girl, move away before you get hurt"

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