9 "Are you complaining?"

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Hunter pulls roughly on my bralet, I inwardly smirk, knowing he would like it. He's already unbuttoned my jeans and pushed me up against the long wall mounted mirror. He's kissing my neck, my jaw, the top of my chest, as my hands roam over him frantically.

I pull on the sleeves of his jacket and it falls to the floor with a soft clink, the zipper hitting the tiles.

Hunters light stubble scrapes across my skin in a temptingly painful yet so fucking erotic way and my teeth clench. I keep reminding myself I can't make any noise.

Declyns house is big but Tara and Nick are only a few doors away and if i make so much as a whimper, I swear they'll here me.

Within minutes, we're both naked, standing in front of each other, admiring the view. hunter turns and pulls the handle down to turn the shower on, the noise is welcoming in the eerily silent room. Hunter holds out his hand, a silent offer for me to step under the steaming water. I take it easily and step under, the hot water briefly burning my back with a sting. He follows behind me before pulling my back firmly against his chest.

I love it when he does that.

He kisses the nape of my neck, his lips trailing smoothly against my wet skin. His hand travels down my stomach, and lands on my sex. My body jerks in surprise and anticipation. Everything feels so intense, his hands are firm and gentle all at once, and it feels fucking incredible.

"You look so good when you're wet Em. So tempting." Hunter breathes into my ear, his fingers working me over slowly. My legs want to collapse but I stay strong, willing them not to. "Do you have any idea how sexy you are?"

His words are like fire and I start to circle my hips in motion with his hand. I can already feel the beginning of my orgasm building. Hunter seriously knows what he's doing, and I'm partly glad I'm sexually retarded because I get to experience all these new and exciting feelings with Hunter, who clearly has a few notches on his bed post.

Tony didn't have a clue to be honest. We were each others firsts and it was awkward and an awful lot of fumbling, something which I thought was only meant to be a popping your cherry one time deal, but apparently Tony didn't get the memo and everytime after that was just as cringe as the first.

Hunter spins me around so fast my head spins. He pulls my arms up and places them around his neck before kissing me with so much force we almost fall into the wall. I steady us using the shower head, my other hand resting on his shoulder.

It isn't until he dips down low, trailing kiss after kiss down my breasts and stomach, that I realise what he's about to do.

Nobody has ever went down on me.

I start to panic. What if it's weird? What if it's awful? What if I make a complete fool of myself and come all over his gorgeous face? The embarrassment would be too much to handle.

"Just relax Emily" Hunter tells me smoothly, his eyes looking up at my face.

"You don't have to-"

"I want to" He tells me. "I really want to, just relax. If you don't like it then tell me to stop, okay?"

I take a deep breath, my hands tangling in his hair as I nod. He smiles as his head dips in between my legs.

He shifts my leg so it's propped up on his shoulder and I feel exposed like never before, he can see every inch of me.

At first, the sensation is foreign. It feels okay, nothing really special about it but I let him continue regardless.

His fingers dig into my ass, as his tongue moves languidly up and down, swirling in circles around my heat. A couple of seconds later, I realise what all the fuss is about, his mouth sucks gently on my clit, the tiny bundle of nerves sending electricity up into the pit of my stomach.

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