19 "Happy Birthday, Emily"

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Tonight has been a total failure. Sure, everyone else had fun and I was enjoying myself until those three little words slipped through my traitorous fucking lips.

I'm so angry with myself. Why couldn't I have just kept my mouth zipped?

I couldn't get away fast enough, I've probably scared the life out of him and he'll never want to talk to me again. I wouldn't blame him.

I hate myself right now.

I'm supposed to be celebrating and having a good time considering it's my birthday but all I can think about is how I've screwed up everything.

As soon as the words slipped past my lips, I regretted them.

Not because they weren't true, but because of Hunters reaction.

It was fucking hideous.

I think back to literally ten minutes ago when I wanted the world to spontaneously combust.

I sat up on the bed, my whole body shaking with the after effects of my orgasm but also partly due to the fact I just confessed my love to Hunter.

I make sure my naked body is covered and sit there awkwardly, literally twiddling my thumbs and attempt to think of something to say.

"I-um" I shut my mouth because Nothing I say will make this situation any better.

I stare at the floor, I swear if I look at Hunter, I'll burst into tears, both from humiliation and hurting.

We both sit in silence, neither one of us knowing what to say.

I stand up, hoping to get away from him as quick as I can and search for my dress.

Luckily, it's not too far away and I slip it on under the covers I still have glued to my chest. I don't know how I managed to be honest, but with a little struggle and almost falling on my ass twice, I finally get it on.

"Emily" Hunter says and I just carry on trying to sort myself out.

How could I be so fucking stupid?

I've seen hundreds of movies and read thousands of books, the heroine is never this fucking stupid.

"It's fine Hunter, honestly, It just slipped out. I didn't actually mean to say it"


If I could turn back time, I definitely would choose not to. Especially now that I've seen his reaction.

"Look, I better go before anyone realises I'm gone."

"Emily, just stop and talk to me" Hunter pleads but I ignore his request. "You're being a lot more dramatic than you should be about this. It's not a big deal"

I scoff. "I'm not dramatic Hunter. I'm fucking humiliated. I'm so embarrassed" I tell him as I slip into Taras louboutin heels. They're surprisingly comfortable considering the size of the heel on them. "And it might not be a big deal to you but to me..." I can't even finish my sentence because I feel like I'm going to cry.

"We agreed to stop this, and I've just made a complete clusterfuck of everything and I really just need to go."

My mouth is moving a million miles an hour and my feet take note, taking me out of the room.

Of course Hunter followed, but I ignored his pleas for me to stop knowing he wouldn't make a scene in front of everyone at the party.

"Emily!" Tara's voice cuts through my thoughts and I spin on my heels so I'm facing her and Devon. "Come dance with me" It's not even a question.

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