14 "I'll fucking kill him"

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This chapter contains content of a sensitive nature. Read at your own discretion.

Hunter's P.O.V

I'm pretty certain Emily is halfway through orgasm number two when her phone incessantly rings again.

She groans, partly because of the pleasure, partly because it's the third time we've been interrupted by the stupid device.

I roll off of her with audible frustration. "You should probably answer that"

She sits up and runs her fingers through her just fucked hair and picks up her phone from the bedside table. The bed has no sheets or blankets so she's sitting there completely exposed to the cold air. I notice goose pimples begin to cover her arms. At least while I was on top of her, we were both distracted from how empty and unhomely this place is.

Emily's face suddenly drains of all color and I lean over to see who's calling.

It's Tara.


"Hey Tara, what's going on? Everything okay?" Emily asks making her voice sound croaky.

I hear my sisters high pitched voice sreeching down the phone but I can't make out what she's saying.

Emily looks panicked for a second and I wonder briefly if Tara knows about us but quickly dismiss it when Emily jumps from the bed. "He what? Are you okay?"

Emily begins frantically searching for her clothes, which are strewn all over the floor. Her top is ruined, covered in dust and dirt. I make a mental note to buy her a new one.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. Are you at home?"

The way shes rushing around like a headless chicken tells me something isn't right so I jump up and help her collect the rest of her clothes together before finding my own and getting dressed.

"Don't cry Tara, the pricks not worth it" Emily spits with so much venom, I've never seen her so angry and pissed off.

For the life of me she better not be talking about Nick. If I find out that dick has done anything to hurt my baby sister, I'll gladly serve time to see the bastard suffer.

"I'll see you soon okay? Love you too" she hangs up without another word and looks at me, her eyes are brimmed with tears.

"What's going on?" I ask her. I try not to sound too forceful but at the same time I need her to know its more a demand than a question.

"I need to go" Emily says. I kind of figured that.

"What happened?" At first she doesn't answer, her eyes suddenly finding the floor the most interesting thing in the world. "Emily, what did he do?"

She looks up at me, a tear staining her beautifully sad face and her lip trembling. "I should have been there with her."

I feel the rage building inside of me, not because of Emily or Tara, just the whole situation in general. Emily blaming herself isn't helping matters either.

"What did he do?" I demand taking a step toward her with my teeth ground together, she takes a step back and I hesitate, she's scared of me. That's the last thing in the world I want.

I hold up my hands. "I would never hurt you Em, you have to know that." I tell her not only because its the truth but because right now, in this moment, she seems like she needs to hear it. "Just tell me what happened"

"Tara... Nick... He-" Emily breaks down into a full on sob and I run to her and cuddle her into my chest. I can feel the tears dripping onto my shirt and hear her cries echoing throughout the room.

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