Bonus Chapter - 1st anniversary. (Part 1)

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Never in my life did I think we would get here, never did I think we would come this far. Today is my one year anniversary with Hunter and though, originally thought we would never get past being friends who have regular amazing, mind blowing sex, I always knew there was something different about him. Something alluring, something that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stay away from him.

For Tara's sake I tried, really tried but I couldn't deny him any longer and every time he poured his heart out to me, it became more and more difficult to reject him. 

And then when he told me he loved me over a game of truth or dare, I just gave up.

And how glad I am I did.

"What are you thinking?" He asks as he leads me by the hand through the extravagant hotel lobby. It's all crystal chandeliers and marble, fancy, this must have cost a small fortune.

"Just how far we've come" I smile wistfully as the memories resurface again. 

The night Hunter almost died really prioritized things for me, first, I knew I would never let him go again, I would spend the rest of my life trying to make this gorgeous man happy, second, I didn't care who or what got in our way, Hunter and I were forever. That first night in his bedroom, I had felt so giddy, so excited that someone like him would want me. I was a broken hearted seventeen year old who remembered him as a pain in the ass that tormented Tara and I relentlessly, my view of him most definitely changed that night.

"Yeah, one night can change a lot of things" Hunter comments as he pulls me into the elevator. It's thankfully empty so as soon as the doors shut, I pounce on him, effectively pinning him to the wall with my body. Our lips clash as his hands come up to hold my face, his fingers tickling over the skin of my jaw. "We have all night, Emily." Hunter says turning his head to the side, I ignore him, laying wet, hot kisses down his throat. "Em" He growls and I know he's getting turned on.

"I've always wanted to have sex in an elevator, Hunter" I smirk and bat my eyelashes at him. His jaw practically hits the floor and I cant help but laugh at his reaction, it still amazes me that he gets so affected by me, he's like an insatiable, teenage boy.

"You're mean" He grabs me, tickling at my waist and I cry out in laughter. The elevator doors open on our floor and Hunter pulls me out almost bumping head first into a little old couple. "Oh, shit, sorry" He says to the couple waiting to get into the steel box. "Just can't wait to get my fiancé to our room" He chuckles and I raise my eyebrows, first at how he's basically just admitted we're going to have earth shattering sex to a pair of strangers, second because he called me his fiancé.

"Don't worry, son." The old man replies with a reminiscent smile. "We know how it is" 

We both laugh as Hunter drags me along the corridor and out of sight.  

"So I'm your fiancé?" I question and he squeezes my hand affectionately. 

"You caught that, huh?" He grins as he uses the stupid key card to open the door to our room. It takes a few attempts but eventually the light on the lock turns green and he opens it. "I just figured when I eventually do ask you, I know you're going to say yes, so why waste time?"

That's very presumptuous of him but regardless, it makes me smile that he's thinking about things like that. Our future. I often wonder what it'll be like. Will we have kids? Live in a big house in the small town we grew up in or will we move? My mind is filled with images of little mini Hunter's running around a big yard, laughing and playing. 

"Freak you out, did I?" He asks standing directly in front of me. He discards our bags on the floor and takes a step toward me.

"No." I say because it's the truth, I can't imagine anything better to be honest, "But you should probably know that when you do propose, I most definitely won't say yes."

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