Indiana Jones X Han Solo

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Indy's POV. If universes collided.... Request by @Henry_Jones_Jr

It was a just an ordinary day in the desert and a ship appears and takes me away. My captor was some hot guy that I think looks kinda like me.

"What's your name?" the guy asked.

"Indiana Jones. Who are you is the real question here."

"I entered this atmosphere and almost got killed by a bunch of Ties. Luckily they didn't kill me, ya know? Han Solo's the name."

"Ties? What's that?"

"Oh, you must be a planet out of the galaxy. What galaxy is this?"

"The Milky Way? I think. I am not an expert at space. I prefer dangerous treasure hunts, thank you."

"Treasure hunts? You rich? If I take you back will you pay me some credits in compensation?"


"You know what, Indy, I give up. Let's take you to my home. A place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

*cue music*

EPISODE VI (and a half)

Indy and Han smuggle the galaxy of credits and kill many ruthless bounty hunters. They become feared figures in the galaxy.

Han and Indy discovered live for each other and got married. They realized that they were like clones of each other. Indy called Han his 'Love from Alabama' during their wedding reception. Nobody got the joke.

Luke and Leia also got married. They had kids, twins they named Anakin and Padme. Force Ghost Anakin still sings the song "Sweet Home Tatooine" to this day.

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