Jabba X Leia

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Why... of all people together... am I writing these two together... This one is short and doesn't really have any romance... Jabba's POV on this one.

We were going to execute the boy Jedi in the Sarlacc Pit. I looked up, and the Tatooine suns were as bright as ever. I hardly go out, but today was a special day, of course. Boba Fett, the bounty hunter was my guard. He looked at what was in my lap. There was a human girl, maybe the boy's girlfriend, on my lap. She was wearing a slave costume of course.

She was hot, like she was pretty. I liked pretty girls. They preformed good shows. I drooled, and I moved a bit.

"Get up, I want to see a show," I growled. The girl got up, and I tugged her chain a bit. She growled at me, and she danced. It wasn't good dancing, I would say, but entertainment is entertainment. The bounty hunter went to go make sure the boy didn't misbehave. He was also with a Wookie and Han Solo. Now, a few thousand years in a Sarlacc Pit should be torture enough to be even, shouldn't it?

I continued watching the girl, who fell in the middle of her dance. She was really pretty. She could be a great wife for me or my guards. Maybe that bounty hunter. She wasn't doing so good. We reached the Sarlacc Pit, and her friends were about to walk the plank. The only ones we are keeping are the girl and the droids. They are the useful ones, of course.

The boy walked to the edge, and suddenly, the astromech unit threw a silver hilt in the air. Oh no, he brought a saber. I suddenly freaked out, and the girl grabbed the chain and choked me. I saw the boy slashing through my guards. Jedi are such party poopers. Solo and his Wookie were also fighting out, and they pushed Fett into the Sarlacc Pit. She choked me even more, and I was about to pass out. I was too lazy for this. She tightened her grip. My life flashed before my eyes. Then, it all went dark.

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