Anakin X Sand

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Hmm now this is illegal... 😈 Anakins POV. No, this is not romantic. Unless...

Obi-Wan, unlike my recent protests, is making me go to Tatooine for a mission with Ahsoka. I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere.

Ahsoka and Rex were waiting for me on the Resolute. They looked at my face and saw my fear.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"Commander, he hates sand. Plus, he was a slave on Tatooine until he was nine."

"Yeah, sand. It is so annoying. Obi-Wan will pay for this torture," I said grimly.

"Ok, sir, but we need to make a deal with the Hutts. You know this."

"Ok, I know, Rex."

"Let's go, Master."

"Mmph. Fine. But I don't like the sound of this."

The Resolute launched into hyperspace. I felt a sick feeling to my stomach. I went to the medbay and puked in a trashcan near Kix.

"Um, sir- are you okay?"

"Sorry, Kix. I get sick when I think about sand."

"...Ok, General..."

He took my temperature, and Ahsoka went into the medbay and sighed.

"Ugh not this again master. Must be the opposite of homesickness."

"Yeah, I hate sand. I just want to destroy it."

"Of course, Master."

"Thanks, Ahsoka, for understanding."

"Ok Master."

I slept in the medbay for a bit, and we went out of hyperspace. Kix went up to me.

"Sir, we are here."

"Ok, I am getting up."

I put on some extra long socks and boots. I don't want sand getting in them. I also wrapped a scarf around my head. I then put goggles on. An efficient and perfect disguise. I hid my lightsaber under my cloak.

Ahsoka looked normal, and Rex was in full gear. They looked at me strangely, and I got a defense ready.

"I don't want to get stuck in a sandstorm, and since people may know me, I want to stay hidden and blend in."

"Oh, sandstorms suck Master. They must be in your nightmares."

"They are."

We walked into a small ship to go to the surface. It was just us three and R2 in there.

The ship touched the ground, and we got out. And we were greeted by a desert. I screamed, and the others looked at me, and started crossing the desert. I sighed, and followed them reluctantly.

We reached Jabba's Palace, and were greeted by Gamorrean Guards. They looked nastier than I remember.

"I am a slavemaster, and I have brought this Togruta to be sold to Jabba. Don't mind the clone, he is a bodyguard of mine," I said without hesitation.

Ahsoka and Rex stared at me, and I took Ahsoka's sabers and stuck them under my cloak for protection. I am glad the guards didn't see that.

"Take the slave to Jabba, clone. We don't trust this slavemaster yet. You are more disposable than he seems."

"Thank you, kind guards. Now, clone, take the Togruta to our gracious host," I said as kindly as I could.

"Sit in the sand over there, slavemaster."

I looked over, and saw a pile of sand waiting for me to sit on it. I hoped Rex and Ahsoka could negotiate well. I stood there, and then my legs got tired. The guards were snarling at me, and I had to sit down. I nearly fell down the dune on which this palace is standing upon. I got back up and sat normally.

I stuck my hand in the sand, and then I felt the sand coming into my gloves. I groaned, and shook the sand out. The guards laughed, and I could tell that they never had to sit down on sand. How horrible. This day is bad. Once I go into the fresher I will be fine, but the fresher would be sandy. I hope that the negotiations are fast.

Soon I heard a bang at the door, and Ahsoka, with one of Rex's blasters, was followed by the Twi'lek we had to collect and Rex, who had the other blaster. Ahsoka tossed Rex his other blaster. She grabbed her lightsabers from me.

"Negotiations were short, and we got what we wanted. Jabba didn't though," Ahsoka said as we ran to our ship.

"You had the easy part. I had to sit in sand. I can't wait to get off of this planet," I replied.

"General, you sat in sand? I am surprised," Rex gasped. We entered the ship, and R2 let us all in.

The Twi'lek thanked us for our efforts, and she told us that she had to tell the Council of her findings about the Hutts. She couldn't tell us, the information is confidential.

We docked into the Resolute, and I ran into the fresher. I felt the sand leave my body, and it felt good. I got out, and I bumped into Kix.

"Any nausea, sir?" he asked.

"No, Kix, I am fine now. I just hate sand, you know."

"Well, sir, I am glad to hear that. Rex says that he thinks our next mission is to Jakku..."


This one is my favorite so far, I might make a part 2 in the future...

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