Captain Phasma X Male Supreme Leader Reader

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Request by @wandering_samurai.

The war was over. Kylo was overthrown, along with Palpatine and the Rebels.

"I officially promote you to Commander, Captain. Congrats," you told Captain Phasma.

"And why can't I be your second in command again?" Phasma snarked at you.

"Well, I kinda don't want to make people think we are a thing, so we are going one step at a time."

"So hypocritical of you to say that!" Phasma laughed at you.

"And why is that?" You replied while raising a brow.

Phasma continued laughing then smirked. "You are the one who decided that sex comes before dating."

You frowned and she continued laughing at you. "So now can I be your second in command?"

"Fine," you replied, receiving a grin from your partner.

"Hux will be so jealous," she snickered while walking off to brag about her new rank.

Huh. Maybe she could be my equal in the near future. But that should wait. Soon she will be mine and mine only.

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