Cobb Vanth X Dewback

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Cobb's POV! Death wish from General606

The Dewback was riding pretty well today. This one in particular seemed to call to me. It is like no other I have ridden before. I had a big desire to... (you know what that would be too far)

Nevermind. I kissed the animal and it bounced a little. It ran in circles and once it stopped I leaned over to puke all over the ground. The nearby locals looked at me like I was nuts.

"Sorry, he's hyper today," I apologized.

"Next time, you do that in private! I don't want to make a fool of myself! I don't plan on dating a dewback that embarrasses me!" I hissed to the animal. It walked to our hut, which had an extra big bed that fit the two of us. It layed down and cuddled next to me. Let's just say we were... busy... later that night.

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