Jar-Jar X Lightsaber

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Jar-Jar's POV

Meesa was walking down thesa street when meesa saw a creepy store. Of course, meesa went in! Meesa saw lots of unique items that Senator Amidala would enjoy.

"Hello there. What is this shiny tube?" Meesa asked the store manager.

"That's a lightsaber."

"Ooh! Yousa a Jedi?"

"I am a shopkeeper. If I were a Jedi I would be fighting that war of theirs."

"Meesa want this lightsaber."

Meesa exchanged credits with the man. Meesa took the lightsaber back to meesa's private quarters on Naboo.

Meesa ignited the saber. Meesa found blue saber!

Meesa swung thesa saber around thesa room. Padme walked in and meesa put thesa saber on the floor.

"Jar-Jar! You found Anakin's saber! Thank you!"

"Thesa meesa's saber. Meesa bought it at thesa store."

"Jar-Jar, it's Anakin's."

"DID YOU FIND MY LIGHTSABER YET!?" Ani yelled nearby.


Ani rushed in and took meesa's saber.

"Thanks Jar-Jar."

Meesa will get thesa saber back. Lord Jar-Jar Binks will rise.

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