Anakin X Jar Jar

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Anakin's POV, request by @JosephIdk

"Master Ani! Master Ani! Meesa never got to say goodbye!" A familiar voice shouted. Great. I don't want to deal with him right now.

"What is it, Jar Jar," I asked bitterly.

"Meesa made yousa a goodbye present!" Jar Jar beamed excitedly while holding out a box. Inside was a small ball.

"It was yousa's favorite. Meesa thinks it would be a good friendship offering."

"It's good, Jar Jar."

"YIPPEE!" Jar Jar yelled. I laughed when he turned around and ran into a trash can. Maybe I would miss him. He pulled out a rotten fish bone and ran over to me.

"Another gift!" Jar Jar exclaimed while putting the dirty bone in my hand.

"Thank you, Jar Jar."

"Now Meesa will go. Bye bye Ani!"

Once he successfully ran away I put the bone back into the trash. It smelled like Gungan spit. After a gag or two, I went into my ship and left.

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