Dooku X Yoda

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3rd person!

Dooku walked down the hall, and bowed to the hologram.

"Hello, Master. What today?"

'Kill her.'

"I can't kill Ventress!"

'Too powerful, she is. Kill her, you must.'

"You sound like Yoda."

'Mimic anyone, I can. Kill Ventress, you must.'

"Just stop that now."

'My name, what is?'

"Master Sideous."

'No. Real name, I must know.'

"That is your name... WHO ARE YOU!?"

'Your master.'

"I knew it was you all along, Master. I am sorry."

'No worries.'

"Um, you are awfully nice today."

'Kill Ventress you must.'

"Yes, master."

'Marry me you will.'

"Okay, now stop Yodaing, Master."

'Mean what, you do?'


'Young Tyrannus—'

"I KNEW IT! You ARE Yoda!"

'Indeed. Join me and we can rule the Dark Side.'

"You know what, I will just end this here."

'Love you, I do. Kill Ventress, I order you. Have a clone army, we can.'

"Okay then. I hate those droids. Expensive yet useless."

'Clones I like. You I love.'

"I'm leaving."

He turned off the hologram and smashed it. He didn't want Tyrannus to come back. Ever.

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