Palpatine X Death

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A/N: The man just can't die. He was in all three trilogies, yet the saga was not named after him. Plus, WHO IN THE GALAXY DID HE HAVE KIDS WITH!? Palp's POV

PART I (The Prequels)

Mace Windu and his fellow Jedi friends entered my quarters. They were here to kill me. Luckily, I am IMMORTAL! I slaughtered them all but Windu. Skywalker entered, and I smiled. He saw Windu look down at me, and I cowered in fear.

"Help, young Skywalker! Save me!"

"Skywalker, he is the Sith!"

I look at the Window and motioned to Anakin.

"How DARE you hurt the chancellor! Now, live up to your legacy, Master Window," Anakin said.

He pushed the Jedi out the window and I laughed. Oh, how my immortality reigns supreme.

PART II (The Originals)

Vader looked at me strange, and Skywalker smirked. What had happened? Had he turned on me? I looked at him, and Vader walked over to me.

Vader picked me up, and started carrying me. I sent lightning bolts everywhere, and he threw me down the reactor shaft. Luckily, I have immortality. I was falling, and I felt Vader's presence vanish. He was dead. I am not. I used the force to catch myself, and I heaved myself onto a ledge. Laying on the ground was a stormtrooper, probably killed from a rebel's shot. I wore the armor, and got in a Tie.

I flew away, and knew that my immortality rules the galaxy.

PART III (The Sequels)

The girl, or my granddaughter Rey, put up a second saber. Possibly to have revenge on her friend's death, or her lover, perhaps. But, revenge is not the Jedi way. Never is, never was.

I felt my skin get thinner and thinner. My power was being used against me. First Windu, then Vader, now Rey is trying to assassinate me. I collapsed, and I felt her do the same. I felt someone walk over to the girl. The Skywalker boy. He healed her, and she looked up at him and kissed him. She cried, and walked away, leaving me and the boy.

I crawled over to my cloning chamber and got to work. Oh, how my immortality will rule over all.

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