Boba X Leia

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Leia POV

"I'm here," I told Han.

"I knew you would come."

"Stop it."


"I have a—"

"Are you leaving me!?" a voice said from the door.

"N-no... I was telling him that I have you," I stammered.

"Good," Boba said.

"You are with... him!? He tried to kill us!"

"He apologized and we made up."

"And you leave me!?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't she?"

"Because I am a hot smuggler with 8 wives."

"That's the problem, buddy."

Han growled and Boba picked me up, and I laughed.

"Don't hurt her."

"When would I ever?"

"You did the last time I saw you."

"Things change, Solo."

"Yeah, Han. Things change."

Boba put me on my feet, and made sure I was okay. Han glared at me, and sent a look of betrayal.

"It's fine, Han. We can trust him. Darth Vader will be happy to see us."

"WHAT!? DARTH VADER? Who even are you?"

"Leia Fett, bounty hunter."

"How long was I in there?"

"The carbonite? A long while."

"Yeah. Little Jango will love to see you."

"Little what!? You have a kid?"

"Yeah. He is with the new Grand Inquisitor, Ahsoka Tano."

"I can't go... what did you do the Chewie? And Luke?"

"Luke is training with Vader, and Chewie is dead."

Han started tearing up and screamed.

I suddenly woke up.

"You okay, hun?" Han asked tiredly.

"Yeah. Just had a nightmare."

"Remember that the war is over. Peace is here. Along with our son."

I looked over at Ben's crib and sighed. Everything was going to be okay.

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