Task 5 - Female Entries

132 9 17

Phaedra Wolfgang:

I was distracted. I was never distracted. It was not good to be distracted. I pinched my brow in irritation as I sat in the silence of night time in the arena. Everything was going so perfectly, I was the queen of the arena and only a few had even begun to question my true nature.

I remembered the knowing look Eden had given me earlier and made a mental note to kill him. And then there was Tyber who also knew, he too would have to perish soon…. unless I decided to reveal myself, then he might prove to be an asset.

That wasn’t what was troubling me though, no, it was far more grave than that. In fact it was so grave I shouldn’t even be contemplating it, but here I was, lying awake losing sleep over it. Me, the girl who could kill a full grown man with one hand behind my back and a smile on my face was disturbed- perhaps even envious of others for it-  as to why she felt absolutely nothing beyond irritation.

I’d heard others gossip of love and feelings of sadness and pain before, but I had never actually thought about them beyond writing them off as weakness. After seeing allies- if you could even call them that, in all honesty I thought of them more as my minions to be disposed of when they became useless- in so much emotional agony by simple voices I started thinking more and more about my lack of them. What made me different from just about every other person on the planet. I looked down at my chest, I wondered if I was missing something. It was very a depressing line of thought.

If only I could question someone freely about them…. I looked over at Tyber’s sleeping form and shuddered. This was my only real option…. He already knew my true nature and I had him in the palm of my hand. Besides I could always kill him afterward- actually that was exactly what I was going to do. I smiled rolling to my feet and jumping silently around the sleeping bodies of my comrades, unable to stop myself from contemplating how easy it would be able to kill them all right now.

My eyes darted to the slumped over body of Fuse. She had been supposed to have been keeping watch but it appears she had given into the temptation of slumber. Wonderful, I’d pin the death of Tyber on her.

I reached his dimply lit figure and leaned over him, taking a second to study him. His ash blonde hair was swept over his closed eyes and a slight cover of dust darkened his already tanned skin. I honestly couldn’t believe that this was most females definition of attractive, he looked like an albino ape to me.

I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face, I reached forward and lightly brushed the hair from his eyes before kicking him hard in the ribs. His eyes shot open as he sat bolt right, I clamped my hand over his mouth to keep him from screaming like the prepubescent girl he is at heart.  “Shhhh! Don’t do the screaming noise!” I whispered adopting my giggly voice.

Tyber looked over at me his blue eyes were wide. “Oh.” He said as I gently moved my hand from his mouth. “Hey beautiful. If you were anyone else I’d have probably killed you by now, I don’t like being woken up.” He whispered arrogantly, flipping his hair that had fallen back in his eyes to the side.

I stared at him trying to keep the glare from my eyes, trust me sweetie, if you tried to kill me you wouldn’t get very far. I reached forward and ran my finger along his sharp jaw while curling a hair on my finger with the other hand, “Tyber. I want to make babies with you.” I whispered dumbly. “They will be evil babies.”

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