District 10 Female - Jane Louis

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Name: Jane Louis

District: 10

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Bitch. That is the first word you would use to describe her. She is rebellious and not afraid to speak her mind. If she sets her mind to something then there is no turning back. She is as stubborn as a mule. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty and is a hard worker. Jane has a hard shell around her heart but that is only for strangers. Once you get to know her she is nicer and less bitchy. 

Description: She has white hair. Yes white like the clouds. No it is not dyed. No it is not a wig. Its all natural. Her eyes are a maroon color. Yes it is weird but it is because her DNA was slightly altered when she was born. She does not know who, why, how it happened but it did. Her skin is tan from working out with the cattle. She is muscular from having to carry calf's and from carrying the butchered cattle to the freezer in her fathers shop. Has long strong legs that make up her height, 5'9". From all the muscle and no fat she weighs 120 pounds. 


Father: Jim Louis, 42 years old. He owns a butcher shop and a cattle ranch that Jane works at.

Mother: Mary Louis- Kelly, 36 years old. She is a rancher and mostly cares for the horses on there farm.

Older Brother: Richard Louis, 21 years old. He helps run the family butcher shop.

Older Sister: Jones Louis, 20 years old. Has a cattle ranch of her own with her husband and young daughter.

Twin Brother: Connor Louis, 16 years old. He helps in the butcher shop and cattle ranch like Jane.

Younger Brother: James Louis, 15 years old. He is still in school. Poppy

Younger Sister: Poppy Louis, 15 years old. She is still in school. Twins with James.

Baby Sister: Rose Louis, 2 years old. Well she is still a baby.

Volunteer?: No reaped

Alliance: Any one that can tolerate her and if there is some one that can good luck sucker, your going to need it. PM Venus_Morgenstern if you want to alline with Jane.

Weapon of Choice: Well she is good with butcher knifes and whips.

Backstory: Jane comes from a giant family. Three brothers and three sisters. They live in a giant house because of how known there shop and ranch is to the Capitol. Most of the Capitols meat comes from her family. Jane growing up was a good kid. Did what she was told and did it with out questioning. When she was 10 years old she met a young man named Tim Fina. Tim was two years older than her and from the moment they met they wear best friends. Where Jane was Tim was right be hind her and the same goes for Tim. Then they became teenagers and the rebellious stage starts. They would prank the peace keepers and the mayor. And with the rebellious stage comes hormonal teens. Jane starts to develop feelings for Tim. When she finally confessed, Tim shot her down and said that he did not feel the same. After that they were no longer friends. Making Jane become mean and a jerk. She never trusted herself again when it comes to other guys. 

 Tribute Owner: Venus_Morgenstern

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