Task 6 - Male Entries

147 7 15

Tyberius Mitango:

Our alliance had broken. Now the Games had begun.

Phae wasted no time in stabbing Fuse with a well-aimed dagger.

"Nice shot," I complimented as the canon boomed.

"Thanks," she smiled. I heard a cry - from Valarie, I suppose - and the sound of metal.

"Looks like we are divided," I said, but Phae had her knife aimed at me. I held my hands up.

"You're not going to attack?" she murmured, confused.

"I can't, Phae."

"Why not?" She put her hands on her hips. I was anxious to get to Eden and help him out but Phae could throw that knife at any second.

"Because, I like you! Is that good enough?!" I shouted angrily and stormed off quickly. I started running once I saw Valarie tackle Eden to the ground. I picked up a spear that was randomly lying around and took aim. It felt automatic as I threw it at the small girl. Boom! Her frail body was knocked straight down from the force. Eden nodded me a thanks before getting up and grabbing his sword. Nixie was using her kindjal to take on Aissa. I could hear Phae breathing behind me. Sometimes I hated love. I just wanted to kill her because I knew she would do the same.

"You, me and whoever wins out of them can stick together," I said. I heard her take a breath, about to protest but I stopped her, "Four others are still out there, and whether you like it or not: you know you need our help."

A girl screamed and was cut off by a canon. Ula - along with her long blonde locks - crumpled to the ground. Another canon sounded as Nixie stabbed Aissalyine like she was a practice dummy. Blood flung everywhere until Nixie shouted a curse and stormed towards us with a weird look in her eyes. I held my sword tighter, but the crazy eyes disappeared. She looked down at her bloodstained clothing.

"What just happened?" she asked quietly. Her face went pale. The anthem boomed to show the faces of Valarie, Fuse, Ula and Aissa.

"You just teared that chic apart! Awesome work, Nixie!" Phae said in her girly voice as she high-fived with Nixie. Eden wandered over with a blank expression on his face. We stood around awkwardly. Within the next few days, three of us would have to die - unless someone else one won, but I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Does anyone feel that?" Nixie wondered aloud. Her body shivered slightly and her skin went even paler than before. She fell to the ground. Eden went silently next to her.

"Too easy," Phae grinned - she thought they were dead, but on closer inspection. They still had a pulse. Suddenly I felt a wave of dizziness and a fuzziness spread through my veins. The last thing I heard was Phae's voice saying 'What the hell is happening'. Everything went black, and the abyss of unconsciousness trapped me my mind.


The first thing that I was aware of when I woke up was the smell. It smelt the same as home once it had been mopped. Like disinfectant. I couldn't quite tell you how I felt, because everything felt fuzzy or soft - as if it weren't actually real. I shook my head to try get rid of the fuzziness. It didn't work.

"Jewel?" I whispered. I saw her small frame leaning back against a chair on the opposite side of the room. I could see the shimmering of the forcefield that separated us. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically. She was alive.

"Jewel?" I said a little louder than before. I became aware for a moment. Why was I here? What did they want? Were the Games over?

"Tyber?" her lips formed my name in a croaky voice that I never would have recognized. "What am I doing here?" she asked groggily, rubbing her eyes and looking around.

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