Task 8 - The Fates (Finale)

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Callisto Fachilio tapped on the screen in front of her, frowning as an image of the remaining tributes popped up onto the screen, staring eachother down as they stood in the Underworld. To the side laid the bodies of Tyberius Mitango and Nixie Adams, mutilated and bloody.


“Yea?” Callisto sighed, turning around in her gamemaker’s chair. Evelyn, a fellow gamemaker, pointed over to the door leading to the hallway, frowning.

“Isn’t that Faye and the president?” she asked softly. Callisto turned my head and, to her surprise, it was.

“You are a sick, sick little girl, and I am not going to let you live and terrorise our gamemakers!” The President snarled menacingly. Faye laughed, laughed right to his face.

“I didn’t terrorise them, but it’s sweet how much you care,” Faye retorted sarcastically, a smug smirk on her face.

“Holding someone at knifepoint is an act of terror,” the President spat angrily, “Murdering the Head Gamemaker, his daughter, and his wife, are all acts of terror. You killed all of your family and threatened the lives of others, and you say you didn’t terrorise them?”

“It wasn’t an act of terror,” Faye snarled, “It was an act of stupidity on their part. I was just putting them in their place.”

“So you did kill them.” The President sighed, leaning back slightly. Faye smiled sarcastically.

“What, did you think I would hide it?” Faye smirked. The President shook his head slowly, horror daunting on his face.

“Take her to the room.” He spoke to the Peacekeeper to his left, and the peacekeeper nodded. Both peacekeepers walked towards Faye, gripping her by the arms. She laughed manically, not even bothering to try and escape, and the three of them went down the hallway, Faye throwing her head back and cackling like a hyena. After a few moments, most of the Gamemakers filed into the hallway, following the trio. Callisto stood up from her chair warily, observing the stream of Gamemakers that were filing out of the room. Evelyn had left with them, and soon enough Callisto was all by herself in the room.

Callisto wandered around the empty Gamemakers room for a few moments, her fingers trailing along the tabletops and the screens. She sat down at the table in front of the room – where Antonio would normally sit. It felt weird without him in the room. Callisto looked down at the screen in front of her, and tapped on a few buttons, frowning as she did so. No one else had set up the next task, as with Antonio gone they had no idea what his plans for the finale were. He’d met his fate.

His fate.

Callisto smiled as the idea popped into her mind, and quickly she began to tap on the screen, organizing the final task. The Parcae, known as the Fates, controlled the thread of life of every mortal and immortal from birth to death. It seemed fitting, in a way, that this was the finale. Callisto finished setting up the finale and then put her hands in her lap, sighing deeply. It occurred to her that she could be fired for this, but stuff it. No one else was taking responsibility.

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