District 9 Male - Jonah Ryelin

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Name: Jonah Ryelin

  District: 9  

Age: 16  

Gender: Male  

Personality: Jonah is a go with the flow type of guy. His laid back, easy going attitude and ability to keep calm under pressure are some of his most admirable traits. Jonah almost never has a plan, but instead makes up for it by taking whatever comes to him with ease, and thinking quickly on his feet. He’ll flash smiles and keep on everyone’s good side, but almost never strikes up a conversation; only continuing ones that others start with friendly small talk, but rarely ever bringing up anything deep or sentimental. When no one approaches him, he’s quiet. Not the forgettable fade- into- the- background type of quiet, but the mysterious type that people want to unravel.  

Description: Jonah’s skin is quite fair, but working as a cropper in the grain fields has tanned it, and the rough wheat has left scratches on his arms and legs. His hair is a warm golden color, a similar shade to that of wheat, and extremely tousled, most likely due to the fact he hasn’t bothered with a comb in years. His eyes are a rich dark brown, and some people like to joke that his eyes are the dirt, and his hair the grain— “District Nine, born and bred, eh?” He has that chill, laid back look that perfectly matches his personality. Jonah not the most well built person you’ll meet, but he isn’t the scrawniest either. He’s tall, fit, and lean from laboring in the grain fields all day.  

Family: Jonah is an only child, with a mom and a dad who do almost nothing for him, yet who he loves very much, and vice versa. After all, his parents are the only people he freely talks to with no boundaries.  

Volunteer?: No, reaped. And when he was, Jonah calmly nodded and strode up to the stage.  

Alliance: If someone asks him, he’ll most likely say yes to be polite; but if no one asks, he’s not afraid to go it alone.  

Weapon Of Choice: In District Nine, a sickle is used to cut the grain, so naturally that’s the only weapon Jonah has experience with. If it comes down to it, he’s not afraid to slash someone with his sickle like they’re a piece of wheat. Though he’ll try to flee before actually fighting— it’s Jonah’s last resort when it comes to survival.  

Backstory: The boy’s childhood was nowhere near as rough as some of the other tributes, but growing up in one of the poorest districts in Panem, there’s bound to be hardships. His mom doesn’t work, and his dad decided to quit his job as a land cultivator when Jonah was young. That left Jonah to begin working at an early age and haul the whole family’s weight by himself. His everyday schedule consists of an early rise to prep for his parents before they wake, going to school, and working straight after as a cropper in the grain fields until late. At times, his undying love and trust for his mom and dad blind him to what they’ve done to his life.  

Tribute Owner: PrettyInPaleBlue ☻ 

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