District 5 Male - Jaiden Camble

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Name: Jaiden Camble

District: 5

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: A little bit quiet. Curious about how things work. OK-ish at social interactions but certainly not a social butterfly, Jaiden likes to stick to people who seem like they have good personalities and skills. Being an engineer in training himself he values intellect over brute strength.
Description: Kind of messy short black hair, grey eyes, pale almost freckly skin. Normal build.

Family: One older sister (Marge, 17), one younger brother (Joseph, 12). Mother died giving birth to his baby brother. Father's a quiet, unassuming man who works as a geologist for the power plant.

Volunteer: No

Why you volunteered: -

Alliance: Jaiden will avoid the Careers from District 1 and 2 as he dislikes their agression even though he realizes it's needed to win the Games. Will try to befriend the District 5 Female tribute but won't push this alliance too hard.

Weapon of choice: Short sword or machete if those are available.

Backstory: Jaiden has always been aware of the deadly Hunger Games and has accepted them as a part of life. The notion to not stand out is strong within his family and so he rarely thinks of the injustice the Games represent. Content to learn and practice his job as an electrical engineer he chooses to focus on his life as it normally is when the madness of the annual Games isn't disturbing the Districts. His sister has managed to survive four reapings so far and he himself has had two previous reapings where he calmly reminded himself that it was very unlikely that he should be chosen from that large bowl of folded bits of paper. Now that his younger brother is about to experience his first reaping ever he does feel extra nervous, all three of the siblings standing a chance to die horribly at the hands of some other desperate tribute. 

Tribute Owner: KateLawrence1

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