Task 8 - Elimination

187 12 11

Alrighty guys, the finale. Here we go. It's up to the public now.

Your finalists are:

Phaedra Wolfgang

Eden Cole

Jaiden Camble

Jonah Ryelin

They've all come a long way and they are all very deserving of this but, only one can win.

You are to vote over PRIVATE MESSAGE for 1 tribute. Just one. Scores will not be given out this round, so it is all up to the public. If there is a tie, I will, in most cases, be the tiebreaker.

Also, anyone reading along can vote. Whether you are a finalist, someone who got knocked out in the previous rounds, or someone who isn't participating but is just reading along, you can vote. Finalists, you can't vote for yourself.

Now, I am asking you not to vote for who your ally was or who your friend is, but to vote for who you think really deserves it. The tribute who you think deserves this most and who you think should win.

I don't think any of the final 4 will try and beg for votes but, just in case, if one of the final tributes begs you for votes you are to inform me and they will be eliminated. I don't stand for that kind of stuff.

Special Awards and Rankings will be posted once voting is over.

Votes close 6th April 9PM, AEST.

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