Task 4 - Female Entries

144 8 13

Phaedra Wolfgang:

 He never stood a chance

{Used 13}

Valerie Golding:

 I wake up with start as i feel the ground rumble from beneath me. I wipe my sleepy eyes and look around. My allies are just starting to wake up as well, their faces all sharing the same expression. But someone is missing.

"Where's Phae?" Tyber asks, worried. We look around but find no trace of the dumb blonde. Oh well! I hope she went and died in a hole. She was getting annoying anyways. But there was no cannon. Damn.

"Phae!" Tyber shouts, stupidly enough, forgetting we are in the Hunger Games.

"Are u stupid or something?!" I growl at him. "We are in the fricken Hunger Games!" His face doesn't change from that slightly worried yet careless expression.

"So?" He says naturally. "We're the Careers, no one would be stupid enough to attack us." Wow, he is so wrong. But I just push it aside, rolling my eyes, and focusing on the more important things. Like killing people!

The ground rumbles again but this time, more fiercely. Then again, and again, and again, until the arena is filled with the sound of an ear splitting crack.

"Ok, I think we're in an earthquake." Eden states.

"Ahoy, Captain Obvious!" I say and salute him with two fingers. Some people here can be so...so... I can't even put words to it.

There is another crack but this time, it sounded much closer. I steady myself for another bang by placing my hands over my ears, but before another one comes, a squeaky, little voice squeals over the rumbling.

"Hey guys, come look at the spa!" I very familiar voice shouts from far away.

"Phae!" Tyber shouts, running off in the direction of her voice. I quickly snatch up my gloves and slip them on as I run after Tyler.

"Come on!" I shout behind me to the rest of our alliance.

We run into the sandy depths of Rome, past demolished homes and make-shift shelters.

"Phae, stay where you are!" Tyber shouts. God, does he want all the tributes to know where we are?!

"Come on Tyber, the spa is going to get cold!" She giggles in response. I wonder what she is talking about?! We run and run, the crackles and bangs getting louder and louder as they approach us. What could this monstrosity be? Is it the 'spa' that Phae is talking about?

I still can't believe that we haven't found any tributes along our way! I just want to shove sand down someone's throat! I groan out loud and keep jogging.

We run down an alley way and see someone in the distance.

"Hey look, it's Phae!" Ula shouts and points up ahead. Finally! We sprint towards her but we all run into the back of Tyler when he suddenly stops.

"What th-" Nixie/Trixie shouts but is cut short my Tyber's booming voice.

"L-l-look down." Tyler stammers. I peer down at my feet and see that we are inches away from an open crevasse that has appeared in the sand. I look down the sheer cliff and see a river of lava bubbling at the bottom.

"Shiiiiiiznickles!" Aissalyine shouts as she looks down. Obviously she's afraid of heights.

"Just jump you morons." I shout at them. They had been too busy looking at the depth of the crevasse to be bothered looking at the width. It's only about a metre wide, which would be easy to clear in a simple jump. I skip across the crevasse easily and look back to where Phae was standing.

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