Interview - Valerie Golding

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I sit in a red velvet chair as my stylist, Monica, does my hair and make up. She looks like a fluffy cloud, with all the fluff and powdery make up smothering her face and body. I think I found her a nickname, Fluffy Cloud. I hate make up and I hate when people touch me but every time I try to run away or wash it off they strap me down with something. This time it's chains. I got out of everything else.

"Leave me alone!" I growl and bare my teeth like a dog as she goes to touch my hair again.

"Do you want sponsors?!" Monica replies. I don't need sponsors! I can manage by myself without having anyone send down food and water for me to survive! That's why the tribute are in there! But it would be kinda OK to have a couple of sponsors, to get me extra weapons and stuff, even though I probably won't need it with my teeth being the only thing that I like to use.

"Done!" Monica screeches and takes a few steps back to study her 'art'. She takes the chains off my body and allows me to move freely. I stand up and look in the mirror behind me.

"Ewwwwwwwwwwww!" I scream and reach for my face and hair. "Get all this ugly and in-human stuff off me!" I run over to Monica and scream in her face before I stomp out of the room in my dressing gown.

"Come back!" I hear her and a couple of the other stylists call after me. I pad down the hallway with my bare feet, not knowing where I'm going. Can't we just get into the Games already! I just want the smell of blood spilling and the shrieks of terrified kids to start!

I start to prick my fingers on my teeth and suck the blood that appears, when I feel a sharp pain in my left hip. I look down and see a small dart with little red tufts sticking out at the ends. An animal dart, seriously! I know that I'm wild and all but, that's just offensive on so many levels! I feel the drowsiness start to take me away and soon, my eyes are surrounded by a pool of darkness.


I wake up to a bunch of lights and hands in my face. I try to sit up but realise that I'm strapped to what ever I'm laying on. My eyes adjust to the light and I see Monica standing next to me with a big grin on her face.

"I think she's ready!" I hear her whisper to my other stylist next to her.

I listen as I hear the snapping of locks and and feel the coolness of metal disappear. I quickly get to my feet and prepare to make my attack when I face a body length mirror.

"!" I shout. I'm wearing a rose white dress that reaches all the way down to the floor. At the trim of the dress, it looks like someone has dipped it in blood. Finally! Someone who gets me!

But I still hate her.

My hair is out in a fiery mess to match the vibrant colours in my hair. They have added specks of coal to it for some reason. I think I look like I'm from District 12, but more stylish and pretty. Ugh, these Games are turning me into a prissy princess!

"We decided to make the costume more you than District 2, something to remember!" Monica speaks up. I sneer at her and start to head towards the door when I feel someone tug on my dress.

I turn around and have to look straight down at the floor to see the person, they are that small.

"Her, take this with you." They say evilly. What I'm suspecting is a he, hands me a small token. A ring. But it's not just any ring, it has a glass window in the middle and a little slot behind it which stores... Blood. I like this person!

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