District 6 Female - Nixie Adams

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Name: Nixie Adams

District: 6

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Nixie is usually a beautiful person, inside and out. She's funny, nice, loyal, kind, and absolutely hilarious. But, occasionally, her inner demons will come out and she'll lash out. Either with a weapon, or with her fists. Sometimes, she just screams. It's a general belief in District 6 that she is possessed. For that reason, no one wants to get close to her. She basically had an alter ego, a complete opposite of her normal self. Her alter ego is permanently trying to take control of her body, and it's by sheer force of will that she remains herself for the vast majority of time. When she's in control of herself, she's the best friend you could ever have but, when she loses control, she is evil, cruel, malicious and sadistic, plus she would enjoy torturing. When her alter ego takes over, it's like she falls into unconsciousness. She doesn't remember anything that happens when she loses control, just blackness

Description: Nixie has naturally medium brown hair, but she bleached it and it's now a pale white-blonde colour. Her eyes are a gorgeous cerulean, the colour of the sky on a clear day, and she's pretty short for her age, only 5'4. Her hair falls halfway down her back, and she's got long eyelashes and almost perfect eyebrows. She's got little curves, but more of an athletic build

Family: None, not anymore. Her alter ego murdered them all except her older sister, and blamed the family murder on the innocent sister. She was hanged for murdering her family in cold blood.

Volunteer?: Yes

Why You Volunteered: Because her alter ego was in control of her at the time and looked forward to torturing a few teenagers

Alliance: She'd be glad to ally with anyone. Just make sure you ask her when she's in control. Generally, she loses control once every few days, so you'd be safe as long as you only allied for 2-3 days at a time

Weapon Of Choice: She uses a kindjal for close-quarter fighting, and an atlatl for long distance. Her preferred weapon is a kindjal because she's better at dodging attacks and slipping past defences. But, either way, her aim and talent is exceptional

Backstory: Nixie was born into a loving family of five, her parents, herself and her two siblings. Her older brother was her favourite person in the whole world, until it became apparent that she was 'possessed' at age 12. Her family began isolating her, barely letting her leave her room. Of course, it was all for her protection from the cruelty of the world. Nixie, in a good mood, understood why they locked her up. Her blackouts had caused deaths, and she was perfectly happy to stay locked in her room to prevent that. But her alter ego wasn't so understanding. There was a constant banging on the doors when her alter ego was in charge, and no one could sleep. One day, her alter ego realised that the window had been left unlocked, and climbed out. She snuck around the house and crept in through the kitchen window, which was always open, and brutally murdered all the family members except her older sister. She then went back into her room, re-locked the door and injured herself so that it looked like she had been attacked, and then began to cry. Peacekeepers rushed into the house, found most of the family murdered in their beds, a young girl crying in her bedroom and an unharmed older girl. When they questioned the young Nixie and showed her the older sister, she screamed and ran away. They murdered Nixie's sister the day after, and the real Nixie was heartbroken when she found out

Tribute Owner: @ally_oshea_xoxo

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