Interview - Hanan Raoul

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I squirm uncomfortably in my tux, still not quite used to such luxurious clothing. I've heard of how amazing the Capitol is, but being here to actually expirience it... It's almost surreal. I still haven't gotten over their advanced technology, and don't even get me started on their clothes. I was scared when I first saw my stylist as I knew she'd be the one dressing me. She proved me wrong though. At least I look normal. My tux has red-orange etchings on the bottom, the design crawling up to my legs, giving the impression of me being engulfed in flames. The parts without the designs are plain black, like coal. Simple as it is, I still like it.

I almost run my hand through my hair, but stop just in time. My stylist would kill me if I go onstage with dishevelled hair, especially after she worked so hard to make it look this way. I sigh, looking at the other tributes patiently while the interviews go on.

Phae from One happily struts onstage, the same glazed and dim-witted smile etched on her perfect features. Jinx fidgets impatiently next to me, "Honestly, it's ridiculous how we're always last." she complains.

I shrug, "The interviews are arranged by district number, and we're the twelfth out of twelve districts. We're bound to be last.It's always been like that." I point out.

Jinx glares at me, "I know that, Captain Obvious." she snaps, "I just wish they would mix it up for once."

Her hard tone makes me flinch. I think Jinx is still mad at me for not alligning with her. It's not that I don't want to, I just can't. Rex seemed very hesistant to take me in and when he did, he made it very clear that they are not taking in anymore people. I barely made it in myself. I don't want to get him mad, especially since I obviously don't have his full trust yet.

I look back at Jinx, but she's glaring up at the screen, obviously not in the mood to talk. I sigh again. I hate it when people are mad, and I hate it more when they are mad because of me.

So, to entertain myself, watch everyone else in the room, not paying the slightest attention to the interviews. Jane's white hair is pulled up in a bun, making her look like her head's in a cloud. Nixie, with a frown on her face, seems to be having an internal arguement with herself. The siblings from Eleven, Louis and Anna-Maria are huddled together in a corner, talking silently. One by one, they leave the room until it's just Jinx and me.

She stands rigidly while she waits for Louis to finish up, and before I know it, it's my turn.

I squint, trying to get used to the brilliance of the bright lights trained on my face. We've never had so much power and electricity back in Twelve. I'm still trying to get used to it, which isn't a very good thing as I'll be losing all kinds of electricity by tomorrow.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Hanan Raoul!" our interviewer, Ruby Shimmer, shrieks happily. The crowd claps widly. I give them an easy-going smile, surprised they're still attentive and wild.

Ruby beckons me to come over, and I obey. She's wearing the same shimmering and layered gown from last year, but this year, it's the color of the sky. Her ruby red hair is elegantly done up, with tiny ringlets framing her sunburnt colored face. Her eyes are a warring mix of scarlet and maroon, beautiful but unnerving.

I shake hands with Ruby, who obviously wants to live up to her name. "Good evening, Ms. Glimmer." I say, wondering if I should kiss her hand too, like most male tributes did. However, she withdraws her hand after my greeting, and uses it to cover her abnormally thin lips before I even make up my mind.

She giggles, "Well, aren't you a well mannered sweetheart! Please take a seat." she motions to the chairs. I take a seat, marvelling at how soft the small couch is.

"Thank you... How have you been?" I ask politely, grinning at her.

Ruby laughs again, "I believe I'm the one who should be asking the questions!" she exclaims, "But since you asked so nicely, I'm fine thank you. How about you? How has the Capitol been treating you?"

Okay, here we go. "I'm great! The Capitol has been a bit overwhelming at first, to be honest, and I'm still trying to get used to it."

"Oh! Well, I'm sure the Capitol has been a huge upgrade compared to District Twelve!" Ruby smiles kindly.

I frown slightly, "Yeah... But District Twelve, no matter how small and dingy it is, will always be my home." I tell her. The crowd goes wild, the sounds of sympathy mixed with cries of shock and incredulity.

Ruby's smile slips off her face slightly, "Oh, dear I'm sorry if I upset you!" she seems genuine, "I'm sure District Twelve is great!" now she's only trying to make me feel better. Ruby is a typical Capitol citizen, I can't change the way she thinks. Her opinion on District Twelve will never change, and it doesn't matter to me.

"It's no problem." I reply, motioning for her to go on. Like a true proffesional, Ruby changes the subject swiftly and subtly, "So the Games start tomorrow! How exciting!" she claps her hands for emphasis.

"Yeah, but also really nerve-wrecking." I say, making her laugh lightly. I did not mean it as a joke, merely pointing out the obvious, but she found it funny.

Ruby nods, "True. So many great tributes this year, yes?"


"Who do you think stands out the most?" Ruby asks, the real interview starting. No more petty small talk.

I gather my thoughts for a moment. I see the timer ticking, and I wish I could just sit here and stall, not answer anything else. "I think there are so much tributes who stand out that it's hard to pick just one." I say finally.

Ruby blinks, "Right, but would you mind naming a few?" she pushes.

"Nixie stands out to me, not just because of her alter ego, but because of the strength she possesses to keep the alter ego under control." I honestly admire Nixie, it must take tons of energy and will to do that. "Then there's Mango. He seems unstable and not in a good way." that kid freaks me out.

"Well, the unstable ones are usually the ones who make it far right?" Ruby smiles.

I shake my head, "That's the point. You would expect them to make it far, but then again, they are unstable so they might not."

Ruby frowns, looking thoughtful. "Ummm," the frown gets deeper, "Good point." she finally responds, nodding slowly, "So obviously, they aren't the biggest threats, hmm?"

"I didn't say that. They are threats too, I think everyone is. You don't just win these Games by skill, you have to have some brains too. So for that question, I guess the biggest threat is Aissalyine from Seven or Rae from Five. They are wickedly smart and they are both fit and skillful." I say slowly, not quite sure if Ruby is getting it.

Ruby bobs her head up and down again, "Ah! Yes, the girl with chopped hair and the one who always looks so serious!"

I shake my head at her, "I don't think they would like it when you say that..." I tell her but Ruby just laughs.

"Oh sweetheart, they wouldn't mind it I'm sure! Besides, it's true!"

I think Ruby is being a bit insensitive, but I can't really do anything about it. I look at her blankly, not sure about how I feel about her making fun of the ither tributes' appearances.

She must've caught the look on my face, because she stops, "Oh, erm... Yes, next question. Who is the weakest tribute?" she says, her face turning the same shade of red as her hair.

"I can't really say. I think all tributes look promising this year. Everyone's got their own strengths and weaknesses." I tell her.

"So you think you're all equal?" Ruby looks confused. As usual.

"Not exactly equal, more like we all have skills to get through but," the look on Ruby's face tells me she isn't getting any of this, "Uh, yeah I think we're all equal." I say hastily.

The bun threatens to fall off as she nods, "Okay. So since you're all equal, how big of a chance do you think you have of winning?"

"Honestly, slim. The chances are there, but some have quite an edge that I lack. Perhaps we will see how our strengths and weaknesses will play out in the arena, but for now I'll-" my long prepared speech is cut off short by the buzzer, which indicates the end of my interview. Ruby blinked, "We're done already?" she mumbles.

"Apparently." I say. She grins, "Oh. Well, let's give it up for Hanan Raoul, District Twelve!"

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