Interview - Jaspar Devan

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It's all just too overwhelming. I clutch a cup of hot chocolate in one hand and alternate between a fist and an open palm with the other. The extremely bright lights, the crowds that reach as far as the eye can see, the endless worrying. It's enough to drive one insane. What will happen to my family? What will my dad do to them? A million questions rack my mind until it feels as though my brain is about to explode. It seems I am not the only one worrying here. In a room we sit, luxuries fit for a king surround us, yet no one takes advantage. We sit in chairs, a few whispers escape in tiny bursts but other than that, silence. Everyone is drowned in their own thoughts, dreading the moment when they will begin calling names for the interviews. Aside from a few arrogant souls, no one is in the mood for the bubbly attitude of our interviewer. How can they expect us to smile and just be happy when we know we are to be facing our doom.

A door opens and through it steps a young girl, maybe in her mid-twenties. Her fiery red hair reaches past her waist in tight ringlets, her brown eyes almost the same hue. Through a radiant smile, her pearly white teeth are visible.

"Hello" She states in a giggly almost naive voice.

No reply. Unsatisfied, she tries again.

"Hello!" She states once again. A little more authority shining through.

She receives an unenthusiastic reply, but it seems to be enough to please her. She giggles, jumps up slightly, clasps her hands and begins to give directions.

"Welcome to the capitol! My name is Ruby Shimmer, and I am your interviewer today. I will be asking you a series of questions so we will get an inside look as to your personality and how you think. I also will..."

I zone out her ever so peppy voice, I am so not on the mood for this. I didn't choose to be here so do not expect me to act as if. My mind is already whirling with all the changes i have had to adjust to. Silently, I take slow sips of the cocoa. Savoring each drop of liquid as it travels down my throat and leaves a warm sensation in my stomach. I watch as Ruby’s face glows with animation while rambling on about the interviews. When she finally exits the room, one at a time tributes are called. Time flies. As they enter through the door, some carry themselves with pride while others drag themselves along.

"Jasper Deavan"

That warm sensation I had not to long ago drifts away. Instead replaced by a tight clenching, it feels as if my stomach lies in knots. It’s that feeling that arises when you are riding on a rollercoaster and feel as if you are about to vomit. I stand. Without a word, I place the cup down in the wooden holder attached to my seat and trudge towards the room. The sudden motion makes me feel light headed. Dizzy, I take my time catching a moment to collect my thoughts. Taking care to make sure no emotion is shown on my face or through my body language.

As my final steps draw closer, I feel like a robot. All is hidden. Steps and movements wired into my brain, an infinite pattern that repeats itself.

Step. Step. Breathe. Step. Step. Breathe. Step. Step

These words, on an endless loop in my head until a familiar voice breaks through. I'm drawn back to reality.

“Please, take a seat Jasper.” Like molasses, her words flow smoothly as if spreading jam on bread.

I sink into the soft crimson velvet of the chair. It feels so real, yet so fake. I can not live like this, not even for the time being, these luxuries will not last forever.

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