Task 2 - The Bloodbath

500 13 77

Antonio laced his fingers together, standing at the railings above the gamemakers area. The faint glow of a hologram lit up his face as the gamemakers got to work, double-checking to be certain the arena was exactly how they wanted it.

“How’s it going?” Antonio called down to the gamemakers.

“Arena is complete.” Someone replied shortly. “Launch in two minutes.”

Antonio moved away from the railings and began to pace anxiously, running a hand through his hair in frustration. Whilst most of the interviews had gone swimmingly, a few of them hadn’t quite. Antonio’s mind wandered back to the very first interview, Phaedra Wolfgang. He scowled and turned back to the rails, his knuckled turning white. She had made Ruby Shimmer look the fool, and by doing that she had made Antonio look like one too. And what with Aspirae vomiting onstage, Nixie attacking the cameraman, and all those other incidents, Antonio and now Ruby’s positions were just as precarious, if not even more.


Antonio looked down at the gamemakers area, his brow furrowed.

“What is it? I’m busy!” he barked angrily. The gamemaker who spoke stumbled over his words for a few moments, not expecting such a harsh response, but he continued to speak anyway.

“The new gamemaker-in-training is here, sir.”

Antonio nodded. Finally some good news.

“Alright, bring him in.” Antonio sighed, waving the gamemaker away. The gamemaker frowned, he looked confused.

“Uh, sir, it’s a girl.”

Now it was Antonio’s turn to be confused. “Wait what? I thought-“

“You thought what?” A familiar, feminine voice chimed through the air from the doors, a voice that was very familiar to Antonio. His eyes narrowed, and he turned around to face the doors. Standing there, in the gamemakers uniform, with her hand resting on her hip and her eyebrows raised, was Juliette.


Antonio shook his head. No. His daughter had never been interested in gamemaking. Why was she here?

Juliette smiled and strolled right in, smiling out at all of the gamemakers. As she passed Antonio, she stopped for a moment and turned around to face him, a cocky smirk on her face. Antonio expected her to say something, but she didn’t instead she shot him another devious grin, and walked down to the gamemakers area.

Antonio growled in frustration and ran a hand through his hair. His eyes narrowed as he watched his daughter, suspicion and doubt beginning to cloud his mind.

“What is she up to?” he whispered.


Task: As you might have guessed from the title, this is the bloodbath task. Your tribute will be taken up to the arena, which will be the ruins of Ancient Rome. So basically the whole arena is a bunch of ruins and also maybe some old Roman buildings. For this task, your tribute is to go into the bloodbath, get supplies, and then go explore the arena. Simple enough?

Kills: You are to kill FOUR PEOPLE this task. Originally it was six, but since Jax and Emerli dropped out they will serve as bloodbath tributes. So since we already have two dead, you are to kill four tributes. Whether you are simply seeing their face in the sky at the end of the day, whether you witness their death at the cornucopia, or whether you kill them all singehandedly, it doesn't matter. Just show me the six tributes that died in your task.

Your tribute MUST CAUSE THE DEATH of one of the kills. They themselves must kill at least one person, the rest I don't mind.

Also, if you don't send me a list of the tributes you killed along with your entry, the kills won't count. So when you send your entry, send the list of kills too. This is essential.

Elimination: Jax and Emerli dropped out, so they will be our bloodbath tributes. That means, to ensure that 6 people die this task, only 4 active tributes will be eliminated. The 6 lowest in ranks will go up on the chopping block and 2 will live, while 4 will die.

Bonus Points:

First entry (+1)

Best kill (+3)

Sponsor Perks: Sponsored tributes will get the following:

- A kill taken off their death toll

- An extra ballot death (an extra kill that you don't include in your entry)

Sponsored tributes also get a 13 to use on any task they want, however they can only use their 13 ONCEand it must be used on or before the quarter finals. I will be keeping track of who still has theirs. If you don't know what a 13 is then just ask.

Due Date: This task is due on 16th January, 10pm AEDT. I don't want to have a repeat of what happened last task so PLEASE hand in. You guys can't use Christmas as an excuse anymore.

Again, extensions will only be given for extreme reasons. If you are asking for an extension a few hours before the deadline, I will know that you are simply asking because you procrastinated and suddenly realised you won't be able to finish, and I won't give it to you.

Warning list (don't hand in another task and you're eliminated)

- Khione Xavier

- Mango Langcaster

- Jinx Tinsel

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