Task 1 - Interviews

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Antonio Silver paced around the room, his eyes flitting from the hologram to the floor and back to the hologram. This was his tenth year as head gamemaker, and he had heard rumours that he was to be sacked at the end of the year. He couldn’t let that happen. The new tributes were in the capitol and were training, and soon enough they would be doing their interviews. Antonio’s mind raced as he thought of all the things he had to do. Give Ruby the list of interview questions, discuss training scores with the gamemakers, think of tasks for the arena. He felt like his brain was about to explode from the stress. The last head gamemaker had ended his reign with his head in a noose, and Antonio feared the same for himself. His whole body was tense as he walked, and he jumped slightly as the door leading to the room opened with a creak.

“Who is it?” Antonio barked angrily. “I’m not in the mood to chat.”

His gaze softened as his two daughters, Juliette and Faye Silver walked in. Juliette waltzed in first, confidently striding towards her father. She was 20 and stunning. She had recently had work done on her nose, and it was no longer a hooked shape, but petite and small. It was Antonio and his wife’s gift to her for her 20th birthday. Faye shuffled in behind Juliette, her short blonde hair falling in front of her face as she walked. The 14 year olds eyes were wide and inquisitive as she gazed around at the room. She had never seen where her father worked before.

“Daddy?” Faye murmured. “Do you work here?”


“Oh shut up Faye, he doesn’t want to listen to you and your constant questions.” Juliette snorted. Faye ducked her head shamefully as Juliette glided over to her father.

“I’m trying to think.” Antonio sighed, sitting down at his desk. He placed his head in his hands. “If I don’t come up with a good idea I’ll get fired. I need this job!” He let his forehead hit the table, groaning in frustration.

“Well, I just wanted to show you how my nose job went!” Juliette smiled. “Doesn’t it look great?”

“Yea, yea,” Antonio mumbled. “Looks great, sweetheart.”

“I’ll never get a nose job, daddy.” Faye spoke up. “I like how I look.”


“Oh, shut it!” Juliette growled. Apparently displeased with her father’s reaction, she whirled around and grabbed onto her sisters wrist, dragging her from the room. Faye cried out, but she left with her sister.

Once they had left, Antonio sighed and leaned back in his chair, annoyance clear on his face. If he didn’t come up with a good idea he’d be fired.

He had to think of something good. And fast.


Task:  As you might have figured out from the title of this chapter, this is the interviews. Pretty standard. Write about your tribute being interviewed.

Your interviewer is Ruby Shimmer. She is naive, giggly and bubbly. But don't be rude to her, she is friends with Antonio and he will make your life hell in the arena. Just don't push it, kay?

Here are the questions you must have answered in your task:

How are you liking the capitol?

Why did you decide to volunteer? (only if you volunteered)

Who stands out the most to you this year?

Are they the biggest threat? If not, who is?

Who do you think is the weakest tribute?

Do you think you have a chance of winning?

Those are the questions you must answer. However, if you would like, you may also like to include more questions. That is completely up to you. There is no word limit to this task, however please try and make it decently long. 5 sentence entries are not going to get you a high training score. I want these tasks INBOXED or EMAILED to me.

This task (along with your tribute form) will also help determine your training score. Your score will be based on your interviews, then, depending on the tribute forms, the score may increase or decrease. Tribute scores and who is sponsoring who will be posted after the interviews. Sponsors, you will be helping me with the tribute scores. Inbox me what score you think each tribute deserves and also what tributes you are sponsoring. Remember, you can only sponsor 3 tributes! If a tribute you choose has already been sponsored, you will have to choose another tribute.

Kills: No kills this time. That starts next task.

Elimination: Starts next task.

Bonus Points: Again, starts next task

Sponser Perk: Starts next task.

Due Date: 28th December, 10PM Australian Eastern Daylight Time. That's 11 days, that should be more than enough. If you do not hand in this task, you will recieve a training score of 0, will be unable to obtain a sponser, and will have a death added to your death toll for the next task. Don't push your luck.

Extensions will only be given for extreme situations. If you ask for one 10 minutes before it is due, I will decline, no matter the situation.

If you have any questions, let me know :)

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