Task 2 - Female Entries

162 8 7

Phaedra Wolfgang:

I smiled at the thought of my other tributes cowering as the time drew nearer to the bloodbath. I wasn’t scared, but I wasn’t excited either like the more bloodthirsty tributes would be. Excitement was an emotion, emotions led to mistakes and mistakes led to death, and dying would seriously ruin my plans for world dominance. I understand that world dominance has been attempted by many men, all which lead to their undoing. I feel the urge to point out that a woman’s never attempted it.

My point is that I was calm, I was as calm as the forest in the early hours of the day. I wasn’t afraid because I knew I’d live through the bloodbath, I’ve been training for this my entire life and careers rarely fall now. I wasn’t a moron though, I knew as the games went on I’d need to keep up my guard. In these games even the strongest can fall in a heartbeat, its the smart ones who make it out alive.

And so I stepped into the tube gracefully, with no emotion whatsoever. I looked over my shoulder at my stylist who waved goodbye. I plastered a smile on my face and waved back. Ew, I hate that stupid bitch. Like I said during my interview; I am going to kill her family once I get out of here.

The plate jerked upwards I slipped and fell, banging my head against the wall of the tube. Pain shot through my body and I cursed loudly, I hadn’t even gotten into the arena yet and things were trying to kill me. I rose into the arena sitting on my ass and looking like a complete moron.

The sun hit my eyes, piercing them and evoking more pain in my scalp. I bit my lip to keep from screaming bloody murder and cursing the entire dahm world. I couldn’t do that, it would blow my cover. Stupid cover. Stupid world. Stupid life. Luckily most of my anger could be solved by inflicting pain on others and in about 50 seconds I could hurt anyone I wanted.

Instead of swearing I looked over at Tyber and forced a giggle. “I’m on my butt.” I said as if the fact wasn’t self evident. Ugh, I’m sorry little brain cells for killing you from acting this stupid, it will all be worth it when we dominate the earth though.

Tyber frowned with a look of concern, his face almost looked as if he was doing a double take. I wondered if he was starting to question if I had ever actually been smart back home. Wonderful, my plan was working. “Phae… What are you doing? Get on your feet! It’s about to start!” He hissed.

Who hired you to act like my father, man-bitch? I thought irritably while still smiling and getting to my feet. “Haha, okay.” I giggled innocently, as soon as I don’t need you I’m going to burn your testicals off and laugh as you scream in pain.

I tore my eyes away from him and scanned the arena. The sun beat down onto the ruins of an ancient city, Rome, I realized as my eyes set on the infamous shape of the colosseum. Of course it was probably a replica, the likelihood of being in the actual Rome was very slim, alas nonetheless disappointing. Rome seemed like the perfect arena for me to claim my victory, in the rubble of an old powerful nation, the head of a new one would rise.

I smirked, my eyes scanning the circle of tributes surrounding the cornucopia, I wondered how many of these uncultured swines even knew what Rome was.

In front of the many crumbling buildings sat a gold cornucopia that glimmered at the suns ray bounced off it, making the silver weapons at it’s base seem slightly dim in comparison. My eyes locked on the long silver claws that extended from the knuckles of the fingerless gloves- my weapon of choice. They weren’t the most delicate weapon, but in my opinion the deadliest for brawling, which was exactly what the bloodbath was.

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