District 3 Male - Jasper Devan

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Name: Jasper Devan


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Jasper is calculating, cunning, and creative. He is not the most cooperative, but will never be rude. He is prepared to injure and wound others, and will kill if worst comes to worst. Being a part of district 3, it is very easy for him to think quick. He is able to analyze his situations fast, and use his surroundings to the best of his ability. Jasper has a good sense of humor, but will and can take things seriously. He is a good sport, and will play fair unless he himself or those he cares about are threatened. Overall, if there is something Jasper must do he will do it. He refuses to kill someone for no good reason.

Description: Jasper is not the guy most the 'popular' girls go head over heels for. His appearance is intriguing, it's appealing in it's on way. His small chocolate brown eyes with flecks of gold, his pale skin, his everlasting smile. These little things that add to his looks. Jasper is average height for his age at 6'9". His whole chest, and back is covered with scars. His unruly, wavy black looks different every day. Overall he is evidently handsome, and vaguely mysterious.

Family: Jasper lives in a household of 6, with an older brother, and two younger siblings, a sister and a brother. Jasper is closest to his sister. They are only a year a part, but are in the same grade. He tells her every thing, secrets he has never trusted in the hands of another with. Jasper spends long hours talking to her about simple things in life, and when there are no words to be said there is always a comfortable silence. His mother is the kindest soul, but his father abused them all. No matter how much his mom tried, his father always beat them for every wrong in life. Raised by a true beauty and beast, Jasper lives life treating others with love, care, and respect, for he fears turning into his father.

Volunteer: no, Jasper would have, and never wanted to be a part of the games. He would never be able to live with himself, if he let his siblings take all the beatings. Jasper may have not been the eldest, but bye protected his family, and couldn't leave them.

Alliance: Jasper is not against alliances, he is actually quite for them. He believes that with an ally, or friend in the games, he may not turn into a complete monster. If he makes it out alive.

Weapon of choice: Multi tool pocket knife. It may not seem like much, but Jasper believes it will play a key role in survival.

Backstory: Both of Jasper's parents are engineers and extremely creative. These genes have traveled through the generations, and inspire his own creativity and determination. Jasper has been through a long life of abuse from his father, and though his older brother cares for them all, he does not protect them and keeps to himself. This has forced Jasper to take a role in leadership, he protects his younger brother and sister form the wraths of his father, by taking them himself. The scars on his chest and back come from these multiple beatings. Jasper would take a bullet for everyone in his family, and no matter how much he hates to admit it, this includes his father to. Coming from a hard life, Jasper doesn't fell pain easily, and will go to extreme measures to protect himself, while being fair.

Tribute owner: watsthedeetsanits

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