District 3 Female - Fuse Satis

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Name: Fuse Satis

District: 3

Age: 17

Gender: female

Personality: Fuse has a VERY short temper. This is why she got her name. Her name was originally Satis but she after a while people called her fuse so she just used Satis as her last name. Fuse hates almost everyone and is completely different from everyone else in her district. Everyone is all smart and are always playing with wires or building new technology for the Capitol but Fuse is different. She likes to use her smartness in different ways. Like adjusting a technique of how she will kill each tribute when she enters the arena. She is amazingly strong and often meets up with her 'gang' to spray paint the neighbourhood with dark and wonderful colours which have quite 'exquisite' words written on them. On the outside she looks like she couldn't hurt a fly but really, on the inside she is a cold blooded murderer that has gotten away from countless murders without being seen or noticed. Most people think she is dumb and weird but trust me, she is one of the smartest people you will EVER meet and she observes everything that you do. Fuse can also read lips.

Description: Fuse has incredibly long, brown hair but at the ends it almost looks like a smoky fire. Her tips are dead black and have red and orange tips in random spots to make it look like an increasing fire which at one point had gotten someone executed for calling a fire that wasn't really there. She is pretty small for her age, standing at 5.3. Her face is a smoky tanned colour from the never ending fires she has set and spending days in the sun. Because of this it makes her eyes and lips stand out and make her look like the prettiest angel from heaven, or hell. Her lips are bright red and her eyes are a crystal blue colour with a green rim around the edges. She can make you rethink about killing her with just a little pout or a single fake tear. She is stunning and uses that as an advantage.

Family: Fuse has no family. This is another reason why she got her name. Like I said before, she has a short temper and if you get her angry. Well let's just say you would be safer in hell. When she was 4 her parents didn't get her the right stuffed teddy that she wanted for her birthday she screamed and wailed then somehow her eyes looked like they were on fire. And then so were her parents and all of her other siblings. She just stood outside laughing and singing as she watched her family burn alive inside their house. " rain rain don't come again I want my parents to feel the pain!"

Volunteer?: yes

Why volunteered: she had finished planning how she would kill all 23 tributes and couldn't wait another year to volunteer. Everyone just stared at her and let her go. They knew that who ever said anything would be dead. She still had the folded piece of plastic that had all the death techniques on it in her hand. She put it in her locket at snapped it shut so she could look at it later. This is gonna so much fun.

Alliance: anyone that can take her on. She hates weaklings and is hoping to see if she can join the careers if possible.

Weapon of choice: anything that she can torture her victims with. Preferably a long, curved knife that she can carve patterns into. She loves watching people suffer.

Backstory: Her whole family is dead. Fuse should of been executed a LONG time ago. Her gang is about the only thing she has that are even the slightest bit close to her. They jump from building to building, painting the town with amazing colours and words. Once they even electrocuted a whole building and killed everyone inside. It was the best moment of her life and she would never forget the shrieks and blood curling screams that filled her with happiness and excitement.

Tribute owner: EnyaFitz1

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