District 5 Female - Aspirae Nairna

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Name: Aspirae Nairna

District: Five

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Female

Personality: Rae, as she prefers to be called, is a feisty girl. She says what she believes and doesn’t care what anyone thinks about it. This has gotten her into many fights, but she doesn’t care. She is going to live her life how she wants to. Calculative and cunning are two of her best attributes, and Rae actually earned a near perfect score on her graduate exam. Only eighteen year olds are supposed to take it, but Rae’s too smart for that.

Description: The first thing you notice about Rae is her synthetic red hair, chopped off right at the shoulders. She doesn’t have enough wealth to get it cut, so Rae settles with split and uneven ends. Her eyes are an icy blue and when contrasted against her hair, they almost seem silver. Her face is covered in freckles, which help hide how horrible her skin is due to sun damage. Rae is short, rising up to five foot one inch if her posture is good, and has an average body. She’s not fat, but Rae is no model either. Her parents can provide her with barely enough to get along with.

Family: Rae lives with her two parents and older sister, Vienta.


Weapon Of Choice: Rae doesn’t have much experience with weapons, but she does know that a dagger is just as deadly as a sword and much easier to haul around.

Backstory: Rae’s parents own a section of land up in the hills of District Five where they have a windmill farm. The Nairna’s generate the most wind energy in all of the districts combined. Yet, the Capitol wouldn’t allow someone in the districts to become wealthy, so Rae’s family isn’t very well off. Her sister, Vienta, is nineteen and helps out at the farm while sneaking off to her boyfriend also. Rae, however, likes to go the the uppermost windmill and sit at the very top. There she can gaze over all of the district.

Tribute Owner: EverydayAwkwardness

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