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It was the next Saturday. Lucas and my Father were already in motion for when Potter had to go to his hideout. I stayed home with Draco, he watched me walking back and forth. If something happens, If one of them kills them...

"They should be here." I said as I bit my nails. "What if something happened?" Draco grabs my hand and pulls me to him.

"They'll be back." We both heard something downstairs. I quickly ran out of my room. It was my father when i made it down.

"You hurt?" I asked him, checking him for anything.

"Im alright." We all jumped as a big thump appeared. It was Lucas. My eyes widen. He rolled on his side, holding his arm. He groaned in pain.

"Stay with him, im going to get something!" My father said as he ran upstairs. Lucas seemed to pass out. His eyes were closed.

"Uncle Lucas can you hear me?" I tried to wake him up. "Stay with me okay? Im not done driving you crazy, just hold on." My father hands some ingredients to Draco, helping him out with the potion. "What the hell happened?!"

"They knew about the ambush." Draco and my father carried Lucas to the couch and I started healing his wound. He started to wake up.

"Bloody hell, they got me good." He sighs. He moves to the side. "Just give me a minute to rest." Just as I was going to leave, Lucas grabs my hand. "I saw Katherine, she's okay. She cut her hair. Its shorter and darker." He laughs. I patted his hand. I let him go back to sleep. The thought of Katherine is okay made me feel better. I closed the door behind me and I saw Fiona watching me. I dropped my head and head up the stairs.

✷ ✷ ✷

We went back to the Manor, we decided to stay there for awhile. Mostly I was going to stay there. Knowing we won't be going back home, probably for brief moments only.

"I swear! I don't know where it is!" I heard someone scream out from the cellar. It sounded like an old man.

"I heard what happened to you. How you feeling big brother." I snap at Fiona. She was talking to Lucas as we walked into the room. He takes a glance at her.

"Why would you like to know? So you can smother me in my sleep?" She burst into a crackle. "Im not going to die." He stomps away. I turned my back away from her. I walked around the Manor as i was bored. There was nothing for me to do. Draco was gone, my father was speaking to Voldemort and Lucas is merlins knows where. I walked around the corner and saw two death eaters speaking quietly. I stopped myself and listened in.

"We need to get that locket."

"Lucas was the last one to have it. He probably knows where it is."

"Lucas said that someone stole it from him, why you think he's got those scratches on his face. Nagini did a number on him."

"We need to find it before the boy does." I quickly ran off, finding Lucas. I looked everywhere. The last spot was the cellar.

"Everything is going to be okay. Im not going to hurt you." I saw him kneeled down. I saw a blonde girl. Luna. "Here, let me help you."

"Luna?" Lucas and her stood up. She looked so beaten up.

"Daphne?" She looks at me. Lucas takes me upstairs and pulls me to the corner.

"Whats wrong?"

"Why is Luna Lovegood here? Who hurt her?"

"Bellatrix and Fiona brought her. Voldemorts orders." Why did I even ask. Poor Luna, what she doing here? What did she do?

"Tell me about the locket." He backs up for a moment. Acting dumb. "Dont act stupid. I know that you know. Its a horcrux isn't?"

"How do you know about the horcruxes?"

"My father told me about thats how Voldemort can die, he put his soul in each horcrux." He was being suspicious about me.


"Where is this locket? Tell me."

"If I tell you, what are going to do with it?"

"Keep it for Voldemort. I wont let Potter destroy it. Thats why I want to find it first." I made up a lie. I couldn't tell if he knew I was lying or not. "Uncle Lucas, where is it."

"Not where, but who has it."

"Then who?"

"You wont like it." He sighs. "Lets go." Since the Ministry of Magic was being run by us, we got in easy. We stepped into the elevator.

"Who stole the locket from you?"

"I stole it first. For a...friend, then he gave it to his house elf to destroy it but it was stolen from him." Thats all he said before we got off. We marched into the court and I saw Umbridge. "She has it." She was knocked out. Oooh i was mad. Once I got closer to her, she wasn't wearing it.

"Damn it! To the front!" I yelled, we appeared in the lobby. I saw Potter, Granger and Weasley. Potter looked at me. "Got him." I ran after him. I grabbed him by the coat. "Give me the locket Potter."

"No." He swung a punch and i fell down.

"Locomotor Mortis!" I yelled. His legs got together. I searched for it, found it. I ran off, shoving people to get out of my way.

"Everte Statum!" I flew backwards, letting go of the locket. I crawled my way to it, now tugging it with Weasley.

"Let go Ronald!" He punched me in the face and I lost. I held my nose, that was now broken. I stayed on the floor. Lucas rushed to me. I knew that Potter was going to destroy it, that was fine with me. But if I had it, things would've been different. Lucas carries me, takes me back to the Manor. "Dont tell my father."

"Just stay still." Lucas points his wand at me. "Episkey." I cried in pain as my nose went back to place. I wiggled it around. I wiped the dry blood off me. "I dont know what you are up to but this Daphne, its far too dangerous."

"I had it. I was so close." He sits next to me. "Wheres the others? I need to find the others." He holds me.

"I dont know. That was the only one i knew about. Daphne, this is your plan to stop Voldemort?" I stayed silent. "What were you going to do if you had it? I know what you are doing. You want to kill Voldemort."

"Yes!" I clapped. "I do! I want him to suffer! But its fine! Potter has it. I have more to find." I walked away from him. He grabs my hand. The look in face, it's like he did this before.

"You need to understand the consequences." He sits down. "Think for one minute what that would do to your father when Voldemort finds out, to everyone that loves you, to Draco, to Katherine, to me."

"This is not a decision im making lightly uncle Lucas. Believe me." He nods.

"I know how this goes, you will lose someone along the way, trust me, I know. You can't protect everyone you love. I lost someone I love, I couldn't do anything about it, it was too late. Just don't get caught. Nobody must know that you and I are doing this, not to Draco, neither to your father."

"I understand." I looked at him. "Why are you doing this?"

"I want to see him lose. I lost so many people to him, I can't have him take any more."

𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜'𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙔𝙤𝙪 • 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙛𝙤𝙮Where stories live. Discover now