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Daphne sat in the yard, watching the students walking with their friends. She was kinda sad that she really didn't have a friend. I mean Blaise was one but, she wanted a friend who was girl. Pansy was one of them but Daphne dropped her.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" A girl asked as her pointed at the seat besides Daphne.

"Dont care." Daphne tossed a ball away for Morticia to catch. The blonde haired girl with green eyes sat down.

"I like her. Whats her name?" She asked again. Morticia came prancing in. She snuggled up with the girl.

"Morticia." Daphne coughs.

"Such a pretty name." The girl pets her. Daphne watched her. "Lisa Scamander." She smiles at her.

"Daphne Snape."

"Oh I know." She saw the robe and scarf. Hufflepuff. "You're easy to spot."

"Easy?" Daphne frowned.

"Usually you sit by yourself. No friends. Mostly you spend your time with Draco." Daphne turns red. Not from anger but from embarrassment. "Im the same. People think im too happy, excited over nothing."

"People think im too cold, scary, like my father." She chuckles to herself. Stupid to say that out loud.

"We're just misunderstood, thats all."

"We all have our perks."

"Thats what makes us, us." Daphne liked her. She didn't care she was a Hufflepuff. You know what they say, every Slytherin needs a Hufflepuff friend. Lisa smiles at Daphne. "I should bring my cat too, his name is Archie, hes grey and has one eye."

"Morticia will like that." Lisa stood up.

"Well, ill see you around Daphne!" She walked away. Daphne liked her presence. Shes nice.

✷ ✷ ✷

Daphne and Lisa started to hang out more. They liked hanging out with each other. Plus, Archie and Morticia were great friends.

"Good morning!" Lisa sang as she sat next to Daphne at the library. "Can I give you a hug?"


"Imma give you one anyways." Lisa opened her arms and hugged her. Daphne didn't know what to do. She didn't like the affection. She sat there still, not knowing what to do. Daphne just pets her arm slowly. "See it wasn't that bad."

"Whatever Scamander." Daphne laughs.

"Anything new today?"

"Nothing really." Lisa looks at the ring on her finger. She picks up Daphnes hand and looks at it.

"Pretty ring, who gave it to you?"

"I dont know." She smiles. "What are you smiling about?"

"Oh nothing." She opens her book, shaking her head. She knew something.

"Really now?" Daphne sits back, crossing her arms.

"Well..." she sings. "I might've seen Draco give something to Blaise the other day." Draco? Hmm. Daphnes cheeks turned red. "Why did you turn red when I said Draco?" Daphnes eyes widen.

"Nothing! Dont worry about it."

"You like him!" She smiles.

"Do not!" Lisa knew. It was written all over her face. "Can we talk about something else please?"

"Fine." The girls sat there, helping each other with homework. Laughing and cracking small jokes. Daphne felt, good. "Okay but if I study really hard, answer every question right and write an essay about the potion, he will like me?"

"Lisa, my father doesn't like anyone. No matter how much you try." Her face fell, jokingly. "I'll tell him, he'll listen to me."

"You know, you're not as mean as everyone says you are." She looks up at her. Daphne drops her quill. "You're just scared and dont know how to show affection." Daphnes face softens. "But Im glad to be your best friend." Best friend? Did she just say best friend?

"You might be a little too hyper, but Im glad we're friends too." Daphne finally said. Lisa smiles at her.

"Its not bad to show your good side you know." Only if she knew. She wasn't really big on affection. Her father barely did.

✷ ✷ ✷

Lisa and Daphne took a stroll. Everyone was surprised to see Daphne talking to someone. Friends with someone, an actual person. Draco noticed. He didn't like Daphne being friends with her. She wasn't a Slytherin. He pulled her to the side and talked to her.

"Sorry that I actually have a friend." Daphne huffs. Draco started to argue with her. "Why do you even care?"

"A hufflepuff?"

"And? There's nothing bad about it! She's actually a great friend." Daphne crosses her arms. "She's not like yours."

"Why you!"

"Forget it Malfoy! Shes my friend. I dont care what house she is in. She actually cares." She storms off. As she walks around, she bumps into Granger. "Watch it Granger!" She spat.

"Only if you were looking, you wouldn't bump into me." She mumbled. Daphne stops walking as she heard her. She turns her heels.

"What did you say?" Granger looks at her.

"I said only if you were looking where you were going, maybe you wouldn't bump into me." The two girls got into each others faces. Potter, Weasley and Malfoy watched.

"You better watch your tone Granger." Daphne hovered over her.

"Or what?" The boys oohed. Daphnes jaw clenched.

"Ill give you a clue." She pulls out her wand, pointing at her. "Oscausi!" Grangers mouth disappeared. Everyones eyes widen. "It looks better shut." Grangers nose flared. She launch at her. The girls began to pull each others hair.

"Hermione no!" Weasley pulls her off of Daphne. Draco grabs Daphne, holding her back. She quickly stood up, putting her hair behind her.

"Undo this!" Potter yells at her. Daphne undid it. Hermione swore at her.

"You evil snake!"

"You're lucky your boyfriend came and got you. It would've been worse for you." She pushed Dracos hands off of her as she walked away. Granger whispers something and it made Daphne trip. Her legs we're together. Daphne snaps at her. The trio laughed and walked away. "Get back here!" She hops.

"Daphne stop!" Draco grabbed her. "She isn't worth it." Draco pulls out his wand and undid the spell. The two, honestly Draco followed her, to the great hall. "Can you stop?"

"What is it you want Malfoy?" She snaps at him. Her eyes became black. Pure black.

"Listen, if this was about Lisa. Im sorry."

"You better be. It wasnt your place. And if you bother her, hurt her, or even make fun of her. We are done being friends."

"Okay." Daphne calmed down a bit. She just shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Draco wanted to say something to clear the air but he didn't know what to say. Was it going to make her angry again or not. "Lisa is a..." he stops.

"Dont say if you dont mean it." He nods.

"Shes a great witch." He chokes. Draco complemented on someone who wasn't himself? "Dont look at me like that."

"You did hear yourself right?" He squints his eyes. "Is Draco Malfoy in there still?" She looks around him.

"Knock it off." He gently pushes her.

"You are something else Draco Malfoy."

"So are you Daphne Snape."

𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜'𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙔𝙤𝙪 • 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙛𝙤𝙮Where stories live. Discover now