𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬

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Couples months went by, nothing from my father or Lucas. I mean they're okay so is Katherine. It's too dangerous to leave and go home they would tell me. Staying with Draco, only with him, made me love him more. All summer we did was just stay in his room, and did... things.

Draco would fight with his father, sometimes he would leave me in his room and hear shouting down the hall. I never like Lucius, the way he treats Draco, I wanted to do something but Draco refuses my help.

"Hello!" Goyle and Crabbe came in sitting next to us on the train. Draco put down the paper that he was reading and looked at the clowns.

"What is it?"

"Nothing." They both looked at us.

"Spit it out." I spat. The boys looked at us holding our hands. I rolled my eyes. "Children."

"Surprised that Pansy still doesn't know."

"Whats she gonna do?" I asked them. "If she has problem, she can shove it up her ass."

"Heard you two spent the summer together." Draco and I sighed. I didn't have time for this, not for those clowns.

"I can see why you both don't have girlfriends." I excused myself. Draco got out of the seat and let me out. "Im going to the trolley, want anything?"

"Im good." Draco reaches into his pocket and hands me some money.

"I'll bring you something." I kissed his cheek, the boys whistled. "Oh shove off." I made my way to the women, yelling out from outside the rooms.

"Anything from the trolley dear?" She asks me.

"4 Liquorice Wands." I waited for the woman to hand me the candies, I saw Potter. Im surprised that he didn't get sent away due to all the news about him. He looks up at me. I froze. Does he know I was there? Does he know im one of them? He frowns, he knew something was up. I quickly gave the woman the money and headed back to the table. "Merlins!" I bumped into Blaise, who scared me. I held my hand over my chest.

"Relax Snape."

"Sorry, you just scared me." I looked back at Potter, who was leaving. Blaise walks with me back.

"Blaise." Draco says as he stood up to let me back in my seat.

"Draco." They shook hands. I handed the Liquorice Wands to Draco, who started to eat it. "How was your summer?" Draco smirks, I had a little blush going on.

"Flexible, hot and loud." I licked my lips as I turned to the windows, turning more red. I pushed my leg next to his, making him chuckle. The train stopped. We all were the last ones to get out. I held onto Dracos arm as we walked, we spotted the trio.

"I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free. Better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Draco tells Potter, who almost attacks him. I got in front of Potter, grabbing his shirt.

"Control your hound!" I growled at the trio, pushing Potter off of Draco. Draco held my hand as we walked away from the trio.

"Just stay away from me!" Potter yells out. We made it into the school, got into the carriages. Draco held my hand as I got on. We all chatted as we were pulled. I missed my father and I want to see him.The men jumped down, Draco putting his hand out, helping me down.

"I love the scarf." Lisa pops out, commenting on the scarf she gave me last year.

"Yeah thank you. A beautiful woman gave this to me." The girls walked in front of the men, Draco keeping a close eye. "What did you do this summer?"

"We went to Italy." She reaches in her bag. "How can I forget about you." Im glad that what I said to her on the last day she forgave me about it. It ate me alive. I never wanted to hurt her. She pulls out some designer shoes. "The best of the best. It would look good on you. So put them on." We stopped walking, making the men wait. I slide the heels on. Draco watched as she bent over. "See, with that." She smooches and they began to walk. Lisa liked to dress in the top brands, muggle or not. She just liked to look good.

"Thank very much. I dont know what to-"

"No worries Daphne. Your friendship is even for me." They both laughed and held hands as they walked into the school, separating to go to their houses. They went to their rooms to get dressed into their uniforms. I walked down the hall, fixing my tie.

"You take forever to change." Draco kisses my forehead as we entered the great hall.

"You still waited." I saw my father sitting at the high table, i wanted to go up and hug him but it would be too unprofessional. I just gave him a small smile and sat down. We wait for the rest of Hogwarts to join and Dumbledore gave out his annual speech.

"Good evening, children. Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank..." he turns back to point at the professor. "who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher..." i sat up proudly. My father will get this position this year. I just know it. "Professor Dolores Umbridge." My face dropped. You've got to kidding me! Her! The pinky bitch! Over my father! Remind you who has been here for years! And you gave her the title to her! Her! "And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr.Filch, has asked me to remind you..." Umbitch started to giggle, which creeped me out. She stood up and heads the front. Her outfit made me want to gag.

"If i ever dress up like that, kill me." I whispers to Dracos ear, making him smile.

"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome.And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me." I know shes joking.

"Oh please." I scuffed.

"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." She smiles.

"Over my dead body." I commented as the table chuckled at it. She looks at me. I just squinted my eyes. Who does she bloody think she's looking at me with those ridiculous pink clothes.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." Nobody clapped. As they should.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge." Professor Dumbledore clears his throat.

"Her face looks punchable." I told myself. The fest began and I wasn't hungry. I just had pumpkin juice and some strawberries. The fest was over, Draco and I lead the first years to the common room. "Boys on the left and girls same thing but on the right."

"No wandering after curfew, or Professor Snape will find you and put poison in your food tomorrow morning." Draco jokes, but the first years seemed to take to heart.

"And he'll know." I joined.

"Aren't you his daughter?" One of them asked.

"Yes. It'll be a great shame if I told him." They all gulped "Now to bed." I pointed. Draco and I left their room. We found Weasley and Granger walking out of their first years room. We all stared at each other as we passed by. Draco pulls Daphne into a empty hallway. "What are you doing?" She asks him as she wraps her arms around him. "I have to go see my father."

"Just 5 minutes." He started to kiss her. Daphne didn't seem to care that Draco didn't show as much affection in-front of their friends, but moments when they're alone, are the ones she loves the most. She hums in satisfaction.

"I guess he can wait till tomorrow morning." They went back kissing in the dark, hidden hallway. As they were kissing, her arm started to burn. She played it off by kissing him harder. She wanted to cry out but she couldn't. She didn't want Draco to worry more.

𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜'𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙔𝙤𝙪 • 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙛𝙤𝙮Where stories live. Discover now