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We decided to pack light. We still don't know how long we are staying for, a good way to start all over. We thought of we need anything, we can just get over there. Since I didnt know when im coming back, Lisa, Blaise and Neville were coming over to say goodbye.

"Thats the last of it." I gave Lucas my last bag. He was going back and forth to the house in France.

"When i get back and then we can go." I went back to my room and fixed it up. I started putting some stuff in my bag, letters and some paints. I heard chattering coming up to the castle. I peaked my head out and saw the three walking up. I raced downstairs and ran out to see them. Lisa saw me and ran to me.

"You're choking her Lis." Blaise chuckles. Lisa had her arms around me, swinging side to side.

"I got you this." Neville steps up, handing me a succulent. "I know you're not great with plants so I got you one that only needs water once a month." I laughed. He remembered.

"Thank you Nev. This is very thoughtful, cant wait to put this in a new room."

"I didn't bring you a gift." Blaise steps up. We did a handshake. "France, sounds rich."

"You better not replace me Daph." Lisa elbows me.

"I won't. Nobody will ever replace you all, especially you Nev. Nobody can replace you." He blushes.

"Thanks Dani."

"What are you guys going to do? Anything?" I asked them.

"Im taking Luna away, probably visit my parents." Neville nods.

"Im taking Lisa to Italy." Lisa smiles at him, kissing his cheek.

"Daphne! Lets go!" Lucas calls out. I looked at them once again.

"Have fun."

"Write us when you are coming back." I smiled at them. Lisa just hugged me.

"This is good." She whispers to me. "You take time to find yourself. You try and enjoy France alright? We'll be here when you get back." I let go of Lisa and waved at them, walking back home.

"Ready?" Lucas picks up my bag. I just nod. I took one last look of the place. We grabbed on to the portkey and we made it to France. I tried to keep my balance since the whole thing threw me off. Lucas went to a convertible car, throwing my bag to the back. "Are you sure? We don't have to stay here."

"No, no. Im fine. Lets go." I hopped in. I put the succulent that Neville gave me on my lap. "Why couldn't we just appeared in house instead of driving?"

"Daphne, my dearest niece, we are no longer living with wizards and witches. We need to blend in. We have to let everyone know that we are coming." We passed by little cottage homes, people laughing, shopping. The air was fresh, it smelled like baked goods and flowers. That was just the village. We left the village, now the way to house was just fields of flowers. I sticked my head out, enjoying it. Then i saw a house, it wasn't a cottage home like the in town, but it was smaller than the castle.

"You said a small home."

"Well it is smaller than the castle." He picks up the bags and we entered the home. It was so bright. Sun was shining in, the castle was never like that. "Let me show you around." He puts his hands on my shoulders and took me to the kitchen. It was beautiful, sage green and white interior. It was sleek and nice. He then takes me to the living room, some other rooms and then takes me upstairs to my room. "Here we go."

"Wow." The room was white, plants everywhere. My bed was in front of the window, so was my desk. I looked out from the window and saw the lake and garden.

"I'll let you get comfortable, ill be downstairs." I pit down the succulent by the window, all my painting and drawing supplies were by the window too. I know that I'll be sitting here, my new favorite spot. I started putting away my belongings, organizing my stuff. With that, I sat down, picked up a pen and started writing. It took 15 papers to get it right, I just didn't know how to start it.

Its been awhile. I don't know how to start this so Im just going along with it. I just moved to France, its not permanently, just until Im ready to come back. You would love it here. Merlins I miss you. Why did you have to go? I shouldn't have left you. I should've looked for you when i woke up. I won't forget about you. You're my first love, one day we can be together again. I'll try to be happy, for you, my father, and Katherine. This is a fresh start, a new me. I won't change, I will be the old Daphne, the one you fell in love with. I love you Draco, always.

Wow. I didn't know that I was crying until I saw a few tear drops on the letter. I took a took at the letter, folded it, sticked it in a envelope and kept its somewhere safe, only I can find. I saw Lucas setting up dinner in the garden. i raced down, helped him carry the tray outside.

"Nice view eh?" Lucas said as he sat down, looking at the lake. It was a nice shade of blue. "I can get used to this."

"It is. Katherine and my father would've loved it." He looks at me, shyly smiling.

"Yeah, they would have." He takes a sip of his drink. As I was eating, i looked around the garden. "Hey." I snapped my head at Lucas, getting my attention. "We can go into town tomorrow, get some things."

"Sure." I plopped a strawberry into my mouth. When we finished, I decided to stay out for a while, watch the sunset. The warm air was relaxing, i can hear the  water from where i was, and the music coming from town.

"Ta da!" Lucas surprises me with a bike. "See, its got a little basket to put your stuff in, a bell so you wont run over anyone." He rings the bell.

"Thank you uncle Lucas. This is very thoughtful." I clapped my hands. I took the bike.

"You can ride into town with this. Its only 10 minutes away, so I thought, imma get her a bicycle."i hopped on. "Take it for a spin." I started to go off. This was my first time on a bicycle. The handles started to shake, i was losing my balance. All you know is that i hit a hole and i fell off. Lucas started to laugh his ass off.

"Shut up Lucas!" I stood up, dusting myself off. After Lucas was done, we headed back inside. I took a shower and healed my scrap on my knee. I sat on my window sill, my leg out as I looked at the stars. So far, im loving it here. Yeah, ill be here for awhile.

𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜'𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙔𝙤𝙪 • 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙛𝙤𝙮Where stories live. Discover now