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The small home was quiet. Daphne listening to music in her room, Lucas on and about, Severus meeting with Voldemort, Wormtail being his stupid self. Katherine seemed to have the house to herself. She cooked, clean. Anything to keep Sirius' death out of her mind. Late at night, when everyone is asleep, she sobs to Sirius, replays the night he died.

First she lost her best friend Lily and James in one night, then her parents, her sister, and then her love of her life. Katherine has so much guilt that she carries all these years and the only way she can let it out is to cry it out. Katherine wipes her tears as she finishes her baking, heading up stairs to tell Daphne. The stairs creaked as she gone up. She knocks on the door to the teenager, opening it seconds later.

"I made your favorite." She peaks into the room. She saw Daphne on her bed, writing a letter.

"Ill be there in a second." Katherine nods. "Wait!" She calls out, making her turn around. "I never said that Im sorry about Sirius. I knew how much you loved him. You just got him back, I'm sorry."

"Theres no need to be sorry dear." Daphne looks down.

"Maybe if I didn't say anything, he could've been here still." Katherine sighs and walks and sits on her bed.

"Dont put this on you. This isn't your fault, neither Harry's. Either way, when we die, we become stories." Katherine plays with Daphnes curly hair. "I like to think that the stories we tell about Sirius makes me feel that he's still with us, alive."

"I hear you, crying at night."

"You dont need to worry about me." She places her hand on her cheek.


"You're the child, im the adult. You dont need this on your shoulders." Daphne lays back on Katherine. Katherine hugs her, playing with her hair again. "You remember that song I love used to sing to you when you were little?"

"The moon song." Daphne chuckles softly. "The reason why I love the moon and stars so much." Katherine started humming the song. It made Daphne feel at home, safe. She later joined with her, the peaceful tone filled the room.

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Katherines POV
Cox Castle 1981

I was in my room, waiting for my letter from Sirius. I paced around the dark Victorian room. Thoughts came to my heads, what will my parents think? Me going against Voldemort? But i had to do this, the war was coming. Sirius and I had to go to meet with the others. My parents were old fashion, strict. But they were understanding and loving. They didn't care what house you were in, or what you wanted to do in the future, and to stand up for what you believe in.

Our father, Jude Cox, was just a rich boy Whos family immigrated from France to London, generations of Slytherins, becoming the first to become a Gryffindor. He's the only child in the Cox family. Who fell in love with a Slytherin girl, Our mother, Mera Sage. She was a family friend to the Riddle family, Mera was third child out of 3 boys. She never became a deatheater because her brothers took her place. She never wanted to be in the violence, thats why she had married my father, to get away from her family and my father swore to protect her.

Jude and Mera meet at a ball, the annual ball that the Cox family threw. They locked eyes and met again at Hogwarts, dated in year 3, and had Lucas age 19. Jude knew the consequences of dating Mera, but he didn't care, he'll be willing to sacrifice his life for her. They were nice parents, loved their children equally, also loved Severus and Sirius as if they were family. Jude and Mera did their best to keep the darkness out of their children lives.

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