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Lucas ended up picking up Daphne at the station. He wasn't the best person to send to pick up a kid. He always loses it. But this time, Lucas arrived extra early to find Daphne.

He nervously waited for her. He remembered the days that him, Katherine and Fiona would go to Hogwarts. Those were the days. Thats how he met Severus. Severus was a lonely kid, always got bullied by James Potter and his idiot friends. Lucas being the scary guy in the school, he took Severus under his wing.

"Lucas!" Daphne yells as she ran up to him. He smiles. They did their secret hand shake. "Why did you come? I thought Katherine was coming." He chuckles.

"I thought you'll like the surprise." He puts her belongings into the cart.

"See you Daphne." Draco waves as he walked with Blaise. Lucas stood up, the boys eyes widen. He was scary. Scarier than Snape himself.

"Oh stop that." Daphne smacks his chest.

"Im not doing anything." They both smirked as they walked away. He drove back home, placing her cases in the main room. "Katherine went out to do some things, she'll be back."

"Alright." She claps her hands. Lucas went back to the car and brought in the last case in. He saw that Daphne was gone. He didn't thought about it, she probably went to her room. He took one step and Daphne pops out. "Diminuendo!" The glass vase next to him, shrunk.

"The hell was that!" Lucas yells. He shakes his head. "You're pointing is awful." He comments. He never liked yelling at Daphne, she didn't deserve and well, he just felt bad if he did. "We have a few hours for Katherine comes, might as well teach you how its done." He turns her around and takes her outside. He placed one of Katherines pots on a stool. "Okay, let me see your stance." She quickly raised her arm, higher than it should be. Lucas laughs. "What are you going to do, cast a spell at the owls?" He lowers her arm a little. "Now say everte statum, and make sure you keep your arm down." Daphne nods, taking her stance again. She yelled out the words. She whips the wand around and points. Lucas face fell. The way she whips her arm, having one arm up, above her head, reminded him of his sister Fiona. Memories came back. Bad ones.

"Like that?" She smiles. Lucas snaps out of his thoughts.

"My pot!" Katherine yells. The two quickly turned to her. They're in trouble. Katherines face turned red.

"Run!" Lucas leaves Daphne behind as he ran into the maze. Daphne laughs and follows him. She love Lucas, he was an uncle she never had. He was fun, always making her laugh. Lucas was the complete opposite of her father.

"Lucas Kai! Daphne Lilith!" Katherine yells as she chased after them.

✷ ✷ ✷

Lucas POV
Hogwarts 1970's

"Let it go Lucas, Bellatrix would never. I mean look at you and look at her." Fiona scuffs as Lucas went on about his discovery of Bellatrixs crush on him. Fiona didn't believe him.

"Lucius told me. You think he would lie to me?" She rolls her eyes. "She's something else. I would never. I know Lestrange wants her." The siblings walked around the school. He saw James Potter waved his wand, making Severus Snape float around the air. "Potter."

"Lucas, seriously!" Fiona groans as she walked towards the group of Gryffindors. He takes his wand out and points it at Potters neck.

"Potter." James slowly turning to him. "Black. Lupin."

"Ahh Cox." They smiled. "I see you brought your little sister along."

𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜'𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙔𝙤𝙪 • 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙛𝙤𝙮Where stories live. Discover now