Ch 1

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He tugged at my hand and pulled me into his room, I didn't have time to let my eyes wander before his lips attacked mine, his hands pushing me up against the door

I giggled to mask my nervousness, my hands doing a small tremble at my sides

I've been to his house before, usually once a month for his sisters sleepovers but never have I been in his room

I couldn't help but hold back a gag as the smell wet socks and soggy pancakes wafted up my nostrils, seeming to burn the hairs its trail inside

His lips attached to my bare neck sucking and biting every now and then. He grabbed me by the hips while my left hand now clung around his neck and my right roamed down his body just awkwardly looking for something to do

I wanted to take this time to look around the room but he lifted his head, eyes flickering to the left for just a second, then he slowly began fiddling with my uniform shirt, trying to undo the buttons

My stomach turned and I watched as he moved onto his shirt, revealing his slightly developing six pack. He flung both our shirts across the room

Once again I was pushed against the wall, skin against skin. Aidens hands roamed up my back and pulled at the back of my bra, releasing me, a satisfied groan left me, nothing like finally taking off your bra

He did some weird shit with his hands, kind of squeezing and pulling with a twirl at my nipple and looked up at me expectantly, a loud forced moan escaped my lips and almost choked as the smell went inside my mouth and down my throat, I covered it up with another moan, as he continued playing with me or doing whatever he was doing

"Let's go to the bed" he said huskily, looking at me with blazing blue eyes

A shudder racked through my body knowing what was about to happen

I guess everything we did has led up to this moment, the memories flashed before my eyes

His hand in my pants, in my shirt, in my bra

I can't back down now, with that I ignored the unsettling feeling in my stomach and nodded meekly

I was coaxed to the bed " lay down right here" Aiden pointed with a shaky finger

I hesitated knowing that once we're on the bed, things will get steamier, maybe more than I can handle

He spoke again "Come on, don't be shy"

I complied and Aiden landed on top of me, with a quick kiss on the lips he lowered himself all the way down to my pants and patiently unbuttoned my uniform pants then slipped them off with ease

My heart hammered against my chest, while butterflies were released in my stomach making me feel nauseous, nervous and excited at the same time.

He kissed my core through the thin fabric of my underwear, then slipped his hand in my underwear.

It's nothing he hasn't done before, except this time it's not behind the school bleachers or in the staircase after school

He attempted to fit a finger inside me causing me to flinch away. He immediately took his finger out "Later" he whispered. His intense blue eyes filled with a ray of emotions anxiousness, excitement mixed with a flicker, just a small one of nervousness

Then his fingers hooked onto the side of my undies

My breathing hitched. Even after all the things we've done he never actually saw down there just felt, the left was rest was left to his imagination, just the way I like it

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